If this is great job internet? not sure I am ready for America to be great again.
If this is great job internet? not sure I am ready for America to be great again.
Yes, it had been a few minutes since she had been in the news for nothing specific or spectacular. It was either get on some rape thread or post another swim suit pic.
He's found his niche. And done alright by most's standard.
The old dead hooker with a twist. And hilarity ensues.
Cheech and Chong Nice Dreams. It was in heavy rotation one summer in the 80's when I was….between gigs. Wow, that's Pee Wee Herman in there.
You can throw a hooker into the machine for free soda.
This movie does not sound like it is alright alright alright.
Who ya gonna call?
Wait a second, there was a cable channel that played nothing but music? Was that profitable?
And Phil Hartman's impression of Ed McMahon would say "Hey YO!"
Well actually, now you have my interest.
Or Scooby Doo.
You took the easy way out rhyming estevez.
The Lando at the end made this 'acceptable job, internet'. Barely.
Danny Elfman not available for comment.
And you have to take my word for it, the WORST thing about transvestite hookers is…
As usual, Jon Snow knows nothing.
I don't see a lot of purging going on here.
Bad internet! Bad!
Remember, if she smokes she pokes.