
#glennlives biotches.

If only Mark Cuban used his powers for good.

Yes, and for fuck's sake don't actually read anything to them. Books. Yuck.

As good as it is timely. The world has been waiting for Soprano's renaissance. This could be that time.

I was referring more to dangerous living people.

Great episode. But with what precious and few episodes there are in a season, wish they would go forward with the story. I liked it though.

Aikido: not actually effective against many other forms of martial arts.

I could not finish "The Machinist". If anything happened to that little girl I was going to lose mind.

Someone recommended The Martian before I even knew it was a movie. It read like a movie, which means I'm casting it as reading it. Did not put Matt Damon in the mix, but jeez, him playing another solitary genius it should have been a natural. Someone about 5 or 10 years younger would have been better probably.

I've never seen this show, but did see Chris D's stand up on the Netflix. He's very funny.

Batman was a scientist.

Hey, he's telling a story about his blog. and that he makes big money. what's not to like?

It is generally my position to mercilessly flail anyone wearing cotton and wool simultaneously. It's what God wanted. That's what the cat tells me anyway.

November spawned a monster. A monster tour!

Only noticed that Gwen looks like a Gwen impersonator on "The Voice". Only slightly less feminine than the maroon 5 guy.

Paul McCartney seems like a good choice….I might have gone George or John, but early death due to cancer or gunshot tipped scale. Ringo is the only choice really.

I thought he was very good on a couple of the comedy central roasts. I think Seth introduced him as 'the person you best know from me saying his name just now".

and I will be getting crazy with the cheese whiz.

If Beck showed up at a birthday party, I'd be alright with that. But yeah, this idea sucks ass.