
I've been waiting to be able to use that in conversation in context.

Nor a 'great job'.

philly sports fan? then this Bill Burr rant is a must watch:

My buddy texted Saturay afternoon and asked if I wanted to go the the Bulls game. My response: does the Pope wear a funny hat? And D Rose didn't get injured. It was a good day.

Petty's Roger McGinn is much more established.

I think his Neil Young is pretty funny.

Yes, it's low lying fruit, and it's not extremely 'hip', but Jimmy Fallon is a genuinely likeable guy. I don't even watch late night TV, but when I see him doing whatever on youtube he strikes me as a personable, sincere, considers himself to be lucky where he is guy. Hearing him tell the story of the SNL 40th

They didn't recycle so they didn't survive. Get it? Boy, didn't get beaten over the head with that one enough. Ugh.

The problem with the film was the expectations were so high. Kevin James can't live up to the expectations that the world had for this epically anticipated sequel. Problems in post production, discord in editing, not enough fart jokes.

As long as he can be crapping himself or hurting his penis some how, any Ben Stiller movie is gold.

Human Centipede. Or maybe the Eric Andre show.

The Dude is shaking his head.

Actually, he would be perfect for such a role.

You win the internets today.

That's a lot of whipped cream…and other delights.

Colt 45. Works every time. It gets you fucked up.

Always with the cumshots. Don't forget the clitoris.

The possession is 9/10ths of the law school chapter. It's right before the chapter on 'Finders Keepers'.

Herb Alpert needs more money. It blew me away when I read he donated 200 million to USC's school of music. I'm like, where the hell did get that much to give away, that's a lot of trumpet records. Then it is learned he is the "A" in A&M. That's a lot of Tijuana Jazz scratch.

Boo this man. Boo him.