
Morrisey knows his fans love heartache and alienation. The whiny twats feed on it. Scheduling and cancelling shows just gives them what they want.

Lucy sculptor, you gotta lotta splainin' to do.

Puns aside, the first Ip Man movie is a masterpiece.

That's a bummer. He seems like a really smart guy. I never get why people try heroin, like oh yeah, I'm going to be the guy that can handle this responsibly, it always works out so well.

Seriously, does he have heroin problem? Really? Wtf.

If there's masturbation involved we can all relate.

He did not advise anyone to "do her like this, do her like that, do her with a whiffle ball bat" at least.

Don't come into it unless she's on birth control. We know that's the woman's responsibility.

Most of my shame is private. So I got that going for me.

You DO understand what "of course not" means, right?

Wicked smaht firstie.

Also, if you are so easily 'viciously' insulted, I might suggest you stay off the internet comment boards.


Touche. And before this episode I'd say "well Chuck wouldn't lay claim to this case if he took it elsewhere"—but clearly that is not the case.

I answered it if you read past that question. Of course not. Of course this whole thing was a money grab by the family—they didn't give a shit about the art.

Was there a reason he couldn't take it to another big firm? A case this big must have plenty of law firms chomping at the bit for that business that would take Jimmy in.

So as you see it, what the Nazis did was better for the art world? Of course not, Given the paintings history, they wouldn't have had this value otherwise. 192M is a lot to walk away from, not to mention having something so valuable would require unaffordable security and insurance for someone without vast resources.

"Katie Holmes, in a housewife role as thankless as the one she played for Tom Cruise".

Yeah, Days of Future past really rebooted/gave them an out for everything. Oh yeah, all that stuff never happened now. Or did it. The best way to reconcile it is to just enjoy each movie individually I suppose. I don't even remember (and I know I can google/imdb it) if DOFP was before or after last Wolverine—but

While Pete was already primed for his end of show meltdown, Carol certainly shoved him way past the line. Was that her plan?