
Rod Spears. If it isn't taken already, then Lance Hardwood is 2nd option.

You want it all, but you can't have it.


Suge would never fit in the suits.

She really was angelic at one time. Shame. Side note, maybe lay off the pipe for a bit, get outside.

Let's just agree: emptiness is lonliness and lonliness is godlyness and god is empty—just like me.

Point taken. Nevertheless, "Billy" is his brand.

Not Bill or Will? William? New level of pretentiousness achieved when not thought possible.

Oh no you did ent.

He is not going to fit in that waste pipe. Gangly Tim Robbins all day long, but Suge is going to have to slim down for that plan. But let's not rush to judgement, he could get off. The self defense thing could work. Uh, right.

Booosh. And or kakow.

Will there be a table for AV club commenters? I'd like to meet canceraids.

Okay, I'll give you a and b. but c? where else would he land?

This is a hate song cop out. There are reasons to hate this song though.

they can't help it, it was the way they raised the Gayes. That or they were born like that.

I agree with Johnny Depp. Unless it's Jared Ledo, he's so dreamy he should be in every movie/band.

I never saw Hurt Locker, got dragged to American Sniper. Hurt Locker could not have been half the fairy tale that American Sniper was. This guy was the Mother freaking Theresa of snipers in the movie—all I've heard is he likes to make up stories: shooting looters in New Orleans, killing car jackers and having

I wish he would make it for living people. Who enjoy good movies.

Undateable. That should relate well around here.

Why are gasoline prices still to the tenth of one penny. I mean, when gas was 15 cents a gallon this might have made sense.