
Kate Hudson. Ugh. Can't imagine any movie with her getting above a C-. Almost famous was cute I guess, the exception that proves the rule. Then again, she was playing a part tailor made for her skill set.

He was going for the one lawsuit that would put him on easy street.

There has to be a better Jon Lajoie delivery system than this show.

He could have at least fluffed himself a little first, that meme is pure Ken doll.

The title says C+ but the review screams D-.

The picture for the article is his perfect rape setting.

haha. Waxin' and milkin', etc etc

Shot six times and walking out? He's a die harder like my man Bruce Willis.

I see "C+" at the top of the review, and read "D" in the review.

The author used "We are the clash" and not "Clash City Rockers"?

Stomp the yard.


He plays a pretty good set, the music that focuses on incest rape, patricide, and castration is a little heavy, though.

Batman was a scientist.

It is notable that she is Lou Reed's widow, for those not familiar with her brand.

Axel probably as attributable to Guns and Roses as Beverly Hills Cop.

Can't he just write it and call it "Clarks" or "Cashiers"?

If only they would make a sequel to "The Rundown". There's franchise potential. Less Stiffler hopefully.

I do likes me some Bill Murrays. Murries.

Joel McHale as hot headed partner? Nice. Did 'Mankini' have a cameo?