
Not disputing your point, but do you have any handy citations re. the assaults and rapes?

Further, have you seen the Obama record on drone attacks? It markedly outstrips that of the Bush administration's.

Heh. If I hadn't moved overseas, I too would be having this baby in Ontario. Here, they have birthing pools plus an endless nitrous supply as a standardized, socialized available option in hospitals. Which, if I'm not allowed to have the C-Section, seems a nice alternative.

Yeah, law suit only if you had done it and regretted it. There is, I believe, some sort of required office visit first to discuss risks/repercussions.

After having my 2nd c-section, the doctor looked up and said, " You want me to tie the tubes? You sure? I've got them in my hands right now?."

There are anecdotal stories, like yours, in favour of c-sections also.

I agree that reactions to either option van be just that: reactionary. And often bolstered by extreme anecdotal stories in favour of their position.

Yeah, the women in my family have tiny pelvic arches. Which means inductions, days of fruitless labor, ten c-sections.

I'll be 38. And my uterus is arcuate.

THIS! This is what is steering me towards C-Section land. (not that my midwife/dr is gonna let me do it).

I don't mind. Just tuck em back in, sew me up, and hand partner the baby.

That's what I'm talking about!!

I'm finding your story very convincing.

Yeah, I've heard the same. I'm just worried about delivery-related PTSD.

Nah dude. "Natural birth" is an in vogue thing to say. Conversely, people start emitting bile and spittle when I casually bring up elective C-Sections.

I did a laproscopy for endometriosis too! It was seriously nbd on my end. Sorry you had a rough experience.

Oh god, except its surgery and you get up to walk for the first time and you're like "Woah! My uterus is going to fall out!"

I really, really just want a C-section. Seems way less traumatic.

Love how they're dancing around the the whole "ethnic other" thing (a controversial festival staple) without fully going there (cuz that's Urban Apparel's schtick, I guess?).

Cmon. Can't folks make whatever pics they want and still have a reasonable expectation to privacy?