
They are also new agey old-man assholes who use it as an excuse to hit on young women. See: "To be perfectly and radically honest, I feel attracted to you right now".

You're looking for "Feminist Porn", i.e. sexually explicit material that promotes and portrays the agency, consent, and creative control of women. The Feminist Porn Awards might be one place to look, though I can't vouch for the material (having never seen it).

Yours is a noble destiny. To be a Truth-Bearer is to be alone.

Em...what's the longest relationship you've ever been in? And was it monogamous?

I am facing this scenario right now. I have a familial genetic history prompting an amniocentesis recommendation. This leads me to worry about (1) possible miscarriage resultant from the procedure, and (2) my possible decisions upon a any abnormal diagnosis.

Brutal. I just learned this same point from another commentor's link in this thread.

"Over the years, Urban Outfitters, a store aimed at young hipsters and owned by big-time conservative donor Richard Hayne, has managed to offend blacks, Jews, Native Americans, liberals, conservatives, and eating-disorder awareness groups, among others."

Agreed. I also think that this mistake is benign in comparison with Urban Outfitter's commodification of homophobic genocide.

Yeah, I tend to think so too.

Urban Outfitters also could've learned after the huge 2012 backlash to their exploitation of indigenous cultures.

I didn't realize a "hate speech" option had been added. This is awesome! And it seems to be working cuz trolls are disappearing...

Bigotry is often hidden behind so-called "progressive" or "secular" arguments.

Is supper a cute word? Like, is it only used by Canadians or something? I sometimes say "dinner", but on Canada's East Coast that term is reserved for "lunch". Which gets confusing.

Yeah, I'm pretty lucky.

My great-aunt, an octogenarian: got a PhD in chemistry (when women weren't encouraged to enter that field); divorced her philandering husband (when divorce wasn't a thing) to live a healthy, community-oriented single life; and teaches Tai-Chi weekly (I'm not as flexible as she is).

Yeah, I dunno. There is still an institutional power imbalance at play. That's why doctors can't sleep with patients just because they're of a certain age.

Good call. I wonder what the case law in Oregon looks like.

Understood, I just looked that statute up.

You're right - the statute doesn't capture his behavior. What about Invasion of Privacy?