Not The Villain

I was shooting for 110 mph, but the poor thing just couldn’t do it. 109 was close enough I suppose.

Yes. A million times, yes.

Probably don’t care about my answer, but I have a speeding ticket to prove that in my teens I went 109 in a Honda Ridgeline.

You probably don’t care about me, but I LOVE Star Wars.

The struggle is real. I also look for new stories all day long, but specifically for reviews, tips, how to’s, and David’s Project Slowdevil (glad you made it).

Also, the truck is a 1992 Chevy C1500 Cheyenne Work Truck. I suspect that all the work I have to do will be a low of $780 to an easy $5k. I would like the project truck to be a learning experience, and to do as much of the work myself (and with friends, if I had any who knew about wrenching). I live in NW Ohio if

Do you stop working at 5?

Completely unrelated, and I feel like a d-bag doing this, but cab anyone help me with my post? I hope it was posted in Jalopnik, but am unsure, and suspect that it was posted to my kinda profile... any help would be appreciated. Thank you kind and awesome people of Jalopnik.

Cool, thanks.

CanI have the name of this video please? I would like to share it with some friends

AsI know that you have gotten a lot of backlash for the title of this article already, I feel I need not criticize it further. However, please do not consider the negative response as a deterrent to not post things of this manner anymore, as I appreciate (though not love) the content itself, as well as your

You wrote, “These illustrations are from the manual for HTC and Valve’s latest Vive dev kit”, but I only see one picture. I am viewing on mobile, so that could possibly have something to do with it, but is there more illustrations or did you mean to say “This illustration”?