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Really how many of them are actually being relocated to the country side?

Hey it's a good thing that they are repurposing it to be a water park instead of letting it rust. I've read somewhere that they selling the housing for athletes. Winners of gold medal apartments have an higher asking price!

I hope he has auto fill enabled on his browser. I would hate to type it in every time.

@theenemysgateisdown: I have a Sub (if you are gonna get one, go with the one with date) which was my go to watch for every occasion. Bought an Omega Speedmaster with a white face for dressier occasions. Now I want to replace both with an IWC. To me it's not an net worth flashing thing, it's more of an style thing. I

How are these two even considered to be motherly types? Choose a real mother.

Biological spaceship you say?

@Hiphopopotamus: So far in his rule he tried to turn my neighborhood into a stretch of island parks. All it did was give the bums a nicer place to sleep in the summer nights. Can I tie in my proposal of throwing turd at noisy buses into your petition of legalizing brick throwing?

@Hiphopopotamus: That's nothing compared to the new Port Authority down in Chinatown. I got buses at all hours with livery/taxis honking in addition to the noise from the buses themselves. 4Am wake ups to honking and is not fun. Cops don't care. Politicians don't care. Most of all the people who run the buses don't

Back in '86 I visited Hong Kong for the very first time. I remembered that the subway there was modern and clean compared to my hometown NYC. They had these cards that you use instead of tokens to enter the transit system. Sadly it took like years before I even knew what a Metrocard was. Everyone was orderly and the

@bazookafox: I liked the idea of turning it into a keyboard Chia pet.

"There were, however, several mysterious meals and trips that Hurd or his assistant expensed to the company." - now I know why replacement inkjet toner cartridge cost so much.

New meaning to BSOD - Bowl Stuck, Overflowing Defecants.

Looks like one those tacky things you would find in a Spencer Gift store.

"BBC" & "Boing Boing" has a very different meaning in a porn related article.

@tomsomething: Better believe it - my nephew discovered the DVD section and it's all Thomas the Tank Engine every time. Side note - Alec Baldwin was better then Ringo in narrating imho.

@Ben R: Right here in NYC, the few libraries I happened to stroll into have a decent collection, some old and some fairly new releases. I read about this in a newspaper a week back regarding the higher usage in public libraries due to the poor economy. I didn't realize that it was out pacing Netflix in rentals of

How does a nerd takes a gangsta picture? Well now I know....

I'd just watched Toy Story 3 in 3D. Not on purpose but it was the only version playing at the theater.