@Mayor McRib: I think it's metal is more appreciated overseas then here.
@Mayor McRib: I think it's metal is more appreciated overseas then here.
#21 The End - and what a nice end it is
@Kaiser-Machead: Hello Perez...
@roodles: same here, I hated his smug ass ever since he stood on the cutting board
New to Addidas Fall line, silver track suits
God is in a pissed off mood now - watch out Goldman Sachs execs
@cso1982: the gym?
@_MARVKO_: hahahaha, you dumb bastard it's not a schooner it's a sailboat
@KryptonZero: why yes, yes I do...
@James Marino: Don't be surprised when they break down your door at 3AM serving a warrant only to find out it was the "wrong" address...
@Civil Negligence: looks like he did stop - hence the pot belly and general out of shape-ness
@bluehinter: looks like a War Machine version of the Robot Chicken
@evildead1971: I thought Van Helsing was ok at best, but Xmen Origins: Wolverine was just a 3 day old turd wrapped in rotten cheese covered in vomit.
@evildead1971: I thought Van Helsing was ok at best, but Xmen Origins: Wolverine was just a 3 day old turd wrapped in rotten cheese covered in vomit.
@harlemite: check list is for this movie too
".....yacht submerges, bubbles rising" - that's like me getting into a tub and after 5 minutes soaking in it.
@bainelaker: Tweet 1 - "Saw a hot chick on corner with a blue top."