Do you like Baz Luhrmann in general? I would argue Moulin Rouge is the most “Baz Luhrmann”-y of his movies (flashy, musical, colorful, romantic, mix of modern kitsch with a traditional story).
Do you like Baz Luhrmann in general? I would argue Moulin Rouge is the most “Baz Luhrmann”-y of his movies (flashy, musical, colorful, romantic, mix of modern kitsch with a traditional story).
I found the movie visually pretty, but really, the most memorable thing is the version of “Roxanne,” which was tres cool and suited the movie a great deal.
so if the expectation is that teachers need to be superhuman and perfect in every conceivable way, do not be surprised that there is a teacher shortage. this story is one of many ridiculous stories like the teacher fired for posting an FB picture with a glass of wine.
Oh I’d be gone from work in a millisecond. I’d be WORKING because I hate being bored and idle, but certainly not at the office at some company. Volunteer, hobbies, my own business - so many other options!
I’ve been watching Curling for the last 6 hours. It’s fantastic. It’s slow, you can drink, you can backseat drive and criticize and feel like an expert. It’s not like watching a sport in AWE. It’s like watching a sport that you can get really invested in. “COME ON! It’s too heavy, stop sweeping you idiots. It’s gotta…
BRB, vomiting. Everything. Forever.
She shouldn’t put ice cream in her vagina, she could get an infection.
I’m enjoying reading this like it’s a circa 2005 LiveJournal blog post about a group of girlfriends going out to hate-watch The Worst Movie Night, Wine Required. So I’m torn between “why would you all do this to yourselves, I hope you got paid a bonus for risking your mental sanity” and “Can I come too, you guys seem…
It can be a nightmare. A friend of mine had barely eaten for a decade. Somehow her stomach inverter and doctors have no clue why or how its related to fibromyalgia.But she’s dealt with it for decades with humor and grace.
I think it’s understandable to be disappointed or pissed and want to vent about it. Putting it on twitter and tagging Gaga is ridiculous, though. The pulled tweets for this article are all grown ass men who should probably suck it up and stop being so awful to someone they supposedly love and admire.
But Gaga isn’t cancelling bc she’s “mercurial,” she’s doing it for health reasons.
I’ve had Fibromyalgia for 14 years now, and duh, it really sucks. I have all the symptoms above except for migraines. I don’t look sick (though a lot goes into putting myself together so I feel ‘normal’ when I go out into the world), I feel like I have the flu most of the time, and have had friendships disappear…
Those “fans” are the worst. If you’re spending a lot of money to travel to see someone who has been open about her chronic health issues, get cancellation insurance in case she has to cancel her show. It’s on you if you didn’t think that through.
Fibromyalgia id no joke and I’m amazed at how active Lady Gaga is considering the disease. I can get being bummed to have lost hundreds of dollars in trip costs but don’t go on Twitter raging at the artist whose experiencing pain and misery the likes many will never understand.
Closest translation I’ve got is squared away. They want their people, I’m being generous here and saying it’s all black people not just men, to have all aspects of their lives squared away like they do. As trump is wont to do, he kinda picked a fight with Jay Z over black employment and boy howdy do you not go meekly…
And its no where near as damning as the democrats believed it would be. This was more media and political spin.
I’m loving the fun people are having. I’m also getting a real “I’m the new Space Pope” vibe from a lot of the outfits.
Janelle Monae’s profile always makes me gasp. She clearly knows her angles but also my goddness she is sculpted perfection.
The only person in that family that should be off limits is Barron. He is the only one who bears no responsibility for anything his dad, mum and step siblings have been perpetuating.
I really want more dirt on that. I can easily believe she was hoping he’d lose and then she could get out. Not that I think she isn’t a classless, asshole, garbage person but I think she was frustrated he hadn’t died yet and wanted to get her payout and take her kid and GTFO.