Not a "People" Person

It was quite disgusting how excited I was to read that headline.

Agreed on all counts. The approach of the CCS system is definitely wrong-headed and unnecessarily punitive. They are most certainly making a bad situation worse. But a lot of what I see here is a general denial of the massive, life-changing responsibility of having children. As someone who does not currently want

Well, really it should be Jonathan Rhys “Bring me some...(purposeless and inexplicable pause)...SCENERY, that I might nom upon it!”* Meyers, but I do what I can, I do what I can.

*Heavy breathing indicating “I’m Old Now!!!”

I think there are a lot more who feel that way privately than would like it said out loud.

I can only work out my own age in reference to other people. Like I’m so many years younger than my sister, so many years younger than my husband...but then sometimes I forget how old THEY are, and get even more confused.

Yeah, I don’t particularly find it offensive or anything. But I do think it’s a dumb move in terms of future opportunities; he’s basically said that he doesn’t give a shit about “craft” and whatever he does is just for the money, so anyone hiring him is going to have to deal with that by association. Personally, if I

I think he seems better than he is on the Tudors because he’s playing against Jonathan Rhys “Bring me some scenery, that I might nom upon it!” Meyers. I’ve been re-watching it lately and I realized Cavill lucked out and got the only character that had any attempt at depth and development drawn in. He did a decent job,

Thing is, it’s not like he was badly off before. His dad was a stockbroker and he went toprep/private schools, so I’m going to say this is not someone who’s ever really had to struggle. I think it’s pretty easy to go into acting for the money when you don’t have to “pay your dues” and can bum off your parents until

The thing is, it’s not even fusion, which suggests some kind of intention. Apart from the huevos rancheros (maybe things have changed but until recently it was virtually impossible to get decent Mexican food in the UK), this is all It seems like this woman wanted to serve food British people like

Yeah, and this is especially bewildering to me because unless things have changed drastically in the four years since I moved away, it’s actually virtually impossible to get decent Mexican food in the UK.

Also, big shout out to Polruan, which is directly opposite Fowey and you can take a ferry between the two. I once spent a glorious afternoon floating around Polruan harbor on a giant inflatable lobster.

Jesus. What sins must a man commit in life to spend eternity in Prestatyn?!

It’s really excellent!

I’ve also heard he’s in a tree in Glastonbury. It’s nice that even in his death-slumber he gets to visit some really nice tourist areas!

Burial shops? Is this a new hipster wedding trend I am too old to know about? :-p

Seriously. ModCloth, Asos and Monsoon (if you’re in the UK) all do more expensive (or at least well-made) looking gowns for the same price or much cheaper.

Yeah, that was the only one of the three I liked. I do think the styling is the main issue here, particularly with the one in the middle- those shoes, god God...

I think it’s fine. It’s good that it’s really small because I do think a larger version would look tacky. But I think it will look a lot better once it’s weathered in a bit.

The bit that ruined it for me is when she’s running through Bath and they clearly couldn’t (or did not have the budget to) get rid of all the modern bits. You can see power lines in the background and I swear in one shot there’s even an airplane in the distant background.

I agree. And it’s not entirely random- according to some legends Merlin IS trapped asleep in a rock somewhere. It also seems unnecessarily dismissive to refer to a complex and fascinating legendary figure like Merlin as a “comic book character.” But then, I would say that, I’m Welsh.