Not a "People" Person

I’m always mad that the nicest, most wearable things at my local Target are in the maternity section.

Yes, I saw these and was simultaneously WANT but knew it wouldn’t work because I’d need an extra fob for my many, many loyalty cards, and that’s just crazy.

I was watching Selling New York (which is weirdly soothing and compelling at the same time) on Netflix the other day and one of the realtors they featured was like, imminantly pregnant and walking around in 4” stiletto heels. I mean, she probably takes cabs everywhere but still...

We’re struggling with this right now. Both of us like our sprawl space, but the bigger issues is that my husband is a ridiculously light sleeper and I have allergy issues that make it difficult for me to breathe without wheezing or whistling. He is sleeping on the couch about 3 nights out of 7 at the moment (and

I got botox about three times and my experience was a lot like yours. I got the work done for free because I was working at a dermatologist’s. The first time I think I got about 16 units in all- forehead, 11s and crows feet. The results were good but I did have a bit of a frozen face, so the next time I only got 6

I used to be an extremely jealous person, right into my current relationship, because I was very insecure about my own level of attractivness. As I have gotten older, and also given how well I now know my spouse, that has pretty much disappeared. Partially, this is down to my particular SO; he has many fine, sterling

My sister and I both pulled out of the academic/research track after our graduate degrees. I think I got out at the right time- she stuck it out until she’d finished her PhD (which is just three years in the UK, but still) and pretty much had a mental breakdown. But she’s got a really good job with a clear career path

A bachelor’s, 2 masters and just under two years of admin/customer service work here and I am desperately trying to move up to $15 p/h. Fair play I took some fairly useless degrees, but it’s rough out there.

Yes, this sounded SO strange to me. My mother works (hopefully not for much longer- she has had one eye fixed on retirement for a good two years now, bless her) at a FAIRLY unprofessional school, and even there the boundaries between parents and teachers are respected (which gets difficult in a village of maaaaaybe

That’s true, the fact that this was a whiter and wealthier area of town was probably crucial.

True, and I think, as KateFromIowa mentioned below, it’s the transwoman and black combination that would have rasied hackles there. I work in Ankeny, which has a very similar feel to West Des Moines, and while most people there are on board with same-sex marriage, there is little to no awareness of transgender issues.

I’ll be honest, I was a bit surprised this happened in West Des Moines. There are definitely parts of Iowa that are very conservative, ignorant and hostile to anyone who is the slightest bit different, but Des Moines as a whole is not one of them. Sure it’s not as progressive as Ames and Iowa City, but it’s pretty

I always tell people one of the reasons I’m chasing a higher salary is that I want to get my pixie cut back. It’s fine for me to get my blunt one-length bob cut every 6 weeks because it costs $15- I would have to pay a LOT more than that for a stylist who knew how to cut a good pixie.

All of the people I know who only wash their hair every 5 days have A) thick hair and B) quite long hair. I think it’s great that washing less/no-poo is getting more press, but different people have different default settings so no one system is going to work for everyone.

I really like Boot’s No.7 Protect and Perfect serum for day use- it’s pretty affordable and makes a good make-up base. I’m unconvinced about the long-term effects though- I definitely use it more as a cosmetic agent. I use a retinol cream mixed in with a night cream at night for more concrete results (I have

It looks like they only really stock sizes 32-38 and A-E cups, so if they’re giving you that size but telling you you might fit better elsewhere, you may need to look for a 30 back size and a slightly larger cup. At least they tell you they don’t have that, a lot of places will just say “Yeah, you’re a 36C, that’ll be

I like doing it this way because then it’s done. No sending a bunch of bras back, no waiting for refunds, etc. But it can be a bit useless if they don’t carry your size, or only carry three bras in your general size area. It’s also genuinely exhausting. I generally wait until I go back to the UK, then dedicate a

Depends SO much on your size. I have to pay $50-70 for a decent fitting bra because US manufacturers basically don’t make my size and they all have to be imported from Europe. Most women in the “normal” size range I know pay around $35-40 per bra, which I think is reasonable given that you really need to replace them

I’m kind of fascinated with the VS show because it simultaneously negates and distills so much of the logic of other runway shows. Regular, “high” fashion shows are literally saying “Here are our beautiful, expertly-crafted, sophisticated and coincidentally terribly expensive clothes, please buy them.” Victoria’s

Nope. I might like to wear that embroidered under-bust corset in the first image, as part of an entire outfit, and get gussied up and go to dinner with my friends (many of whom have an appreciation for good stiching). I do not think my husband would see the point of any of this.

This stuff really isn’t for men. It’s