Not a "People" Person

They’re old money. They’re known for loving the country, dogs, their grandfather’s Land Rover,* ponies called fidget and calling any woman under the age of 50 “gel.”

Starkey is typically very good at what he does. He’s a compelling story-teller and his books are extremely readable.
He’s also a complete troll and a bit of a fossil. He’s slagged off women historians for paying too much attention to Henry VIII’S wives (Starkey actually produced one of the most widely-read books on

Excellent summation. It’s been a while since I left the land of my forbears, so I have to ask: do they still have their resident whipping-girl, Carol, I think it was? The one who was single and didn’t want kids and they always made jokes about her being a total bitch because she was single and didn’t want kids? Not

All terrible examples of what I think of as fashion overshoot. Most people could probably get behind flared jeans again (I remember saying they’d never get me into skinny jean. Time makes fools of us all!) but ankle-length , dip-dyed flares? Someone didn’t know when to say “Stop, this may be too many trends for one

I think the main problem with the skirts pictured above is the cut. A straight-cut (not pencil) skirt is the most difficult item to get a good fit on. Even the models look terrible because the clothes don’t fit them right. Making your own is really the best way to go because then you can get the fit and flare your

I swear my sister had the exact same pair of denim-look platform ankle boots. She wore them maybe twice because they went with nothing.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: whether or not Trump gets the nomination (and I wouldn’t rule it out, if only because of what Douglas Adams said about power), he has been a terrible influence on American politics. Shaking things up? The only thing that Trump has done is made it okay to admit to being a

You know what, if I was a Christian I’d be pretty damn insulted by this guy. He’s basically saying that Davis’ beliefs are the automatic result of her religion, which is rubbish because two minute’s reflection tells you this is about her justifying something she’s personally uncomfortable with and probably bolstering

I just don’t know what goes on in his head. I think it doesn’t help that we are hoping to start renovating our house in the next few years, and that will be a huge, ongoing project that will take years and thousands of dollars, so even though we’re developing a really nice rainy-day fund he doesn’t think it means

I think my husband verges on the cheap, which is fine because I sometimes verge on the fiscally irresponsible. I DO mind that he’ll whine “We’re poor, remember!” in front of friends who I know for a fact earn a lot less than us whenever I ask if we can order an appetizer or something. We’re not poor. We can afford a

And it gets worse when you read about the original settlers. I just imagine myself flopping into a creek after after two weeks of shoving my way through 6ft high prairie grass (I’m 5ft, btw) and refusing to go any further unless it’s directly back to Boston or somewhere where they have proper roads and a coffee house.

I spent the first 25 years of my life in the UK, on the Welsh coast, which is basically like living in a leaky tupperware box- never too hot, never too cold, just mostly grey and damp.

The answer is that it depends what you mean by “anti-aging.” No product will get rid of wrinkles once they’ve formed. What topical products can do, and what most will very carefully claim to do is “reduce the visible symptoms of aging.” Skin does change as you age and these products are designed to temporarily

True, but Davis was in no way drafted to this duty, so his analogy still makes no sense.

Also, you have to object to ALL wars- you can’t say that you just don’t like this one war in particular. Davis clearly doesn’t object to ALL marriages because she’s been doing her job up to this point with no problems.

And even then that analogy doesn’t really work in the way he wants it to. Soldiers volunteer to go into active duty by joining the army, and if they say “Nah, I don’t want to fight in THIS particular war, thanks” I believe that the army frowns on that. Davis volunteered to become an arm of the state when she ran for

I guess that’s true. I think it’s also the very human trait of being able to compartmentalise your life; I suppose once you’ve left school and are no longer obliged to consider the more scientific/progressive aspect of medicine it becomes easier to just not think about it.

It’s amazing how much difference good fitting underwear makes. It’s like walking around in flip-flops for years and then trying on a good pair of running shoes.

I order a lot of my stuff online, but with the postage and need to order multiple sizes it’s ruinously expensive. I’ve pretty much decided I’m going to struggle on with my two sort-of-okay-fitting bras until I go home this winter because I just can’t afford any more mistakes.

Exactly. I was flippin’ astonished when I came to the Midwest and saw the choices available to the average woman. It’s either extremely boring, functional bras from department stores or Victoria’s Secret, the sophomore class of lingerie. Nether of them offer much of a size range and neither of them are known for