Not a "People" Person

Yeah, he’d be okay, by his own standards. The bills would be paid, he would feed himself at semi-regular intervals, he’d change the sheets...probably every six months or so. His quality of life would drop though, probably slowly at first and then faster and further over time, because he’d never call up a friend and

I’ve moved from having no opinion about Miley, to kind of liking her because of her detractors, to not liking her because of the whole cultural appropriation/tone-deafness thing, to thinking she’s ultimately going to be okay. I think she’s this decade’s Christina- people are going to enjoy being scandalized by her and

Right, and frankly this is one of the few areas where I feel like Dunham has said anything valid about anything whatsoever- I pretty much hate her public persona and a most of the work she does, but I can only commend her fearlessness when it comes to putting her body and appearance in the spotlight. Every time

I really like it too. I am also a member of the thin-hair bunch and whenever I saw it in that halfway-not-really-a-pixie length I wanted to run up and shear it off. I think she looks really fresh and pulled-together here and it’s bumming me out that people are being so mean. I mean, there is sooooooooo much else to

They’re aging like fine wine, and more importantly, guzzling bottles of it in every episode. I remember in one episode Robert opened his fridge and there were three bottles in there, one of them already opened, and I thought very clearly “these are my people.”

I was actually surprised how much I enjoyed the first

Exactly. I have a black mascara/eyeliner for the few occasions when I’m going to a night-time event, but for the day it’s brown slightly smudged khol or bronze/Burgundy liquid eyeliner. I’m a pale-skinned redhead and black looks very harsh unless we’re in a dim lighting situation.
I will say that the lady above looks

The worst part of it? This was in the UK and this guy was the sole American student.

I’ll admit, I’m kind of a tyrant in my opinions about artwork. In so many cases it is a miracle they are still in existence and people cannot be trusted with nice things. In my ideal world, people would have to view paintings in the same way they are currently allowed to view the crown jewels- from a

“I get that colleges are basically expensive daycare for legal adults at this point, but you would think someone would have used the thing they ostensibly went to college to enhance...”

Wow. Every so often I feel bad for being a misanthropist, then I learn something new and horrifying.

I’m glad it’s not just me. I’m a receptionist and people are forever leaning over my desk to grab at my pen even though there is a whole damn jar full of the things on the desk right next to their hand.

Pro tip people: if some place asks you to fill out paperwork, look for the pens. We’ll have put the out, even if

I’m sorry, what? Have I been living with my head up my ass all these years? Do people actually attempt to get money back for movies they have chosen to watch? What? Are they then given money back? What? How in any way is a bad movie the fault or responsibility of the individual theater? WHAT?

If it’s anything like Lagerfeld’s previous offerings, not nearly short enough.

It does depend on the airport. I used to take an extra flight on my way to/from graduate school just so I could go through Minneapolis-Saint Paul instead of Chicago. I hate to play into stereotypes but people were so damn nice to me at that airport- in Chicago they really don’t care if you drop dead as long as you

I mean, if you mean that people need to be more realistic about the number of people who cheat and aren’t automatically morally deformed for life, or about the number of couples who experience infidelity and end up working past it, I agree. I am personally fed up of hearing WHY people cheat, because it always boils

It’s also a way of avoiding any responsibility for what’s happening in their marriage and his response to it. The most likely response to them talking about this would probably not be her agreeing to an open relationship. I mean, maybe they are just two frustrated closeted polygamists but it doesn’t seem likely. What

YES. And the glasswear is covered in grease and has to be re-washed because he didn’t do them first, and also didn’t put enough soap in the water (my husband is a big believer in bottom-line economies. Only using a half-thimble of washing detergent, re-using sandwich bags, toilet paper you can see through etc.).

Oh I’ve heard this so many times. Amazing how so many people confuse “candor” and “honesty” with “rudeness” and “spouting your opinions completely univited.” No I don’t have to respect someone’s terrible opinions just because they had the “courage” to risk being told to shut up.

I just burst into laughter in front of awaiting room full of people because I could SEE my mum’s face as I read that.
Everyone is being so funny on this thread. Great job everyone!

Am I a bad person because my immediate thought was “They have way too much shit in their yard”? My mum would have let us have a swing set, or a pool, or a trampoline, assuming we’d put it away when we were done using it, but no way would she let us clutter up her entire garden with our garish plastic crap.
I dunno,