Not a "People" Person

Yeah, my first thought was that since the 1993 adaptation was pretty steamy, why should this one be any different? I hope it’s less fey, that’s all.
Also, this is great casting. Grainger will be an awesome lady Chatterley.

If you enjoy intensely purple prose and 30-page long rants about the futility of existence in post-war Britain interspersed with rather vague and precious descriptions of various penetrative sex acts, this is the book for you.
I mean, it’s not bad, but as with all D.H. Lawrence, there is just so much of it.

Legally I think it’s counted as a gift, so it would probably default to the wearer. Unless you break it off before you get married, in which case it would go back to the giver? Can any legal Jezzies clarify this for me?

I have since found that this is a regular thing with my husband’s dad and uncles. The three of them get so busy cracking wise with each other that the rest of the world ceases to exist. My MIL has more patience than I do, but even she gets fed up and short with them. It’s like “Yeah, you’re all supremely clever and

I’m not hypoglycemic (though my husband is) but I do get hangry like no-one’s business. I’ve never been rude to wait staff because it’s never been effective and my starving brain is going for maximum efficiency here. But I did nearly slaughter my husband’s uncles on one family trip. We’d been sightseeing all day,

I freakin’ LOVE autumn and of course here in the Midwest we don’t really have any. Goes from blistering hot to horribly cold overnight. What I wouldn’t give to stroll around the town in fingerless gloves, a light jacket and tastefully low-heeled boots!

Yeah, in what way does that make ANY of this better? Like, I may be a shit-bucket but so’s this guy, and he’s a pastor!

Well, if he gets in, this is one legal immigrant who will be upping sticks and getting the hell out of dodge, so, good job Trump.

Exactely. Someone literally fell out of the sky and died in a central London carpark a few months ago; he was one of two South Africans who had CLUNG TO THE OUTSIDE OF A FUCKING AEROPLANE. Can you imagine how unutterably grim your life has to be to take a chance like that? I can’t. The problem is, neither can many

Oh my yes. Iowans are (rightly, I should say) VERY proud of their hog-meat. In particular, they are proud of the Iowa chop (a center cut that must be between 1 1/4” and 1 1/2” thick). The Iowa chop onna stick is like the apex of the Iowa state fair, it’s essance, if you will.

Yes, Herve Leger dresses kind of take what Roland Mouret’s Galaxy dress gently hinted at and translates it into an all-caps diatribe. They are dresses designed specifically to shriek “I HAVE IT ALL” at the passer-by.

Bars that don’t have reasonable seating arrangements, music volume, and wine lists. If the latter extends to “Red, White, Rose,” then I’m out.

Until they change your unicorn. I’ve been buying Freya Deco bras in nude and charcoal for the last four years; they didn’t fit perfectly, but they were the best version of what was available. Now they’ve changed the sizing/fit and it’s just not as good.

True, but even those activities (he does mention playing and stuff too) are going to be quite boring for a lot of parents. There’s a limit to what you can meaningfully do with a 6 month old. If you have a chance, this is one in a series of columns and while they are a bit tiresome (what is it about some new parents

Yeah, I read this article and I did think it was a bit clueless. But it was also very sweet and funny. I think it’s a good thing that Heritage was able to analyse his experience and appreciate his wife’s effort, and I didn’t really see him attributing her success as biologically and/or magically bestowed. I’m not

I mean, I’m fairly sure the reason he didn’t have much to do (he does mention laundry and cooking that night’s dinner, so he is doing stuff) is that he doesn’t usually and didn’t have a plan in place. A lot of the more helpful commenters pointed out that many SAH parents develop strategies (going to the park, coffee

I mean, it is if you follow the instructions. I gave myself a nasty burn on a very delicate area by leaving it on too long. To be fair, the instructions usually give your really conservative times that might not get all the hair, so I usually end up leaving it on for an extra 2-3 minutes anyway...there’s definitely a

Does anyone take anything in Vanity Fair seriously? I got a free subscription last year and I’m thinking of keeping it only because I like to flip through it while drinking cheap cava and pretending I’m fancy. It is, by and large, a ridiculous rich-person circle-jerk. I pretty much skipped the Tinder article because

It’s unlikely I’ll ever have a baby, but I am a real clean-freak when it comes to myself in normal life so I can see me being one of those people who puts a verboten on immediate post-baby photos until I’d had a chance to wash my face and moisturize. Not so much because of what other people would think but because I

She can’t win- if she’d rolled out of there in sweatpants and a cardigan the tabloids would have shrieked bloody murder, she toes the party line and gets blamed for making other people feel bad. People: Kate Middleton willingly married into one of the most conservative institutions in modern society; this is not the