Not a "People" Person

Agreed. I appreciate good craftsmanship, but that only costs so much. The extra $8000 or so (assuming the actual people who make the bag get paid well) is too much for me to want to pay just for status.

It's weird isn't it- the first 2-3 months are really, really difficult, and then after that you just don't notice anymore. Me and my husband were long distance for the first few years of our relationship, so we regularly went 9 months between sex times. I'd defiantly miss it the most for the first two months

That's so neat! Tbh though, I don't know that we'd have room for a King sized bed- our bedroom is pretty small with just a full. Even a queen sized mattress would be an improvement!

I can see spending up to a couple of hundred for a good, classic bag made of really good materials, because they last much better and you can use them for years (my satchel that I use every day cost I think around $130, and that thing is gonna go for years after I'm dead. Which means that getting it monogrammed was

That's actually kind of awesome to me. I hope Aretha buys it for a shit-tonne of money and it all gets donated to a good cause.

Yeah, me and my husband have been discussing that, and while we both agree we'd probably sleep better, we just can't get over the cultural conditioning that co-sleeping= twu wuv. We're thinking about investing in a memory foam mattress so that we don't feel the impact of the other person moving around so much, also

It's her bag, she can do what she wants with it. That said, it might not be the smartest charitable innovation I've ever heard of- what are the chances that someone's going to pay 10,000 for it now, let alone more?

Yep, this was my understanding too. It's actually one of the reasons I can't fully enjoy mainstream horse racing, because I've heard too many stories about horses keeling over at the finish line or running on horrendous injuries. There is so much money in horse racing, and of course where you get big money corruption

Not always- if your horse isn't in top condition for race day because of sprains that occur in training and so on, morphine could hypothetically make a real difference over even comparatively short distances (I don't know too much about racing either, so would be glad to hear more about this!).

I think the painkilling properties are supposed to be beneficial in that the horse doesn't feel fatigue or strain from any minor injuries (which are common in horse racing) so it thinks it can go on running for longer.

I'm not suggesting that you trust their feelings. I'm suggesting it's none of our business either way and that speculating as to the inner workings of two people we really don't know that well is a bit sordid and tasteless.

With these kids these days, who knows?

I'm guessing that means that recognizing basic physiological differences that are generally found in the opposite sex is the same as thinking those differences should determine our societal worth.

There are a lot of reasons you shouldn't drink to excess. Rape is one of them, but so is not being able to walk properly, making embarrassing confessionals to complete strangers, and throwing up in someone's topiary on the way home, where you will be unable to find your keys and will end up crying on a stoop with

I think I would best describe that as "idiosyncratic."

Good grief, her new mother in law?! That's a new one on me, I must admit.

I agree. And even if their entire marriage were a very convenient sham, it still wouldn't be as ugly as the sight of people speculating so gleefully about the probability of a marriage failing. It's like those people muttering about how they "give the whole thing two years" at someone's damn wedding reception.

Personally, I think it's great to compliment strangers, as long as you approach them in a respectful manner and make it clear that you don't expect anything in return. I lived briefly in London, and people there do tend to keep their shields up, partially out of self-defense and partially because everyone's personal

It's just a power trip for them. It's not actually about the woman involved at all- in my experience, it's just about the guy involved feeling like he needs to prove something or reassure himself that he's the one calling the shots.