Not a "People" Person

It's not so much that I try. It just keeps happening, somehow...

One of my friends from college is a really nice guy, but he's very "into" obscure bands and such. Once he asked me "But you've heard of so-and-so, right?" in a way that made it very obvious that if I didn't say that I had he would be loudly appalled and would spend the rest of the night trying to "educate" me. So yes,

The regulars like Au Jus Guy are the living end. I used to serve an older couple who would come to our coffee shop every day and order the exact same thing, a latte and a teacake each. But they were ridiculously finicky about how they wanted them. The gent wanted his latte extra strong, the lady wanted a 1/2 shot of

In a lot of states, there are relatively few PPs or clinics that provide abortions, so I'm assuming the protestors target those locations. Although I have heard reports from those who have seen protestors at clinics that don't even offer abortions. As to how they know who's going in there for an abortion- they don't

See, I am SO worried about this. My husband and I both want to adopt a pet next year- but he wants cats and I want a dog. He thinks cats will be lower maintenance and easier to arrange care for when we go out of town. I think they'll be lower maintenance right up until they need to take a worming tablet, or have their

Delighted to oblige! Hoffmann's shirt story is called The Sandman and you can usually get it in collections of his work. Jordan Ludmilla's Sexual Visions is a good place to start for the early scientific rationale of the female body. There's a very good collection called The Gendered Cyborg: A Reader. Kim

I actually wrote my master's dissertation on female robots in sci-fi literature and art, so I know a little bit about this! There's an incredibly long history of female robots; E.T.A. Hoffmann wrote a story about one in 1816, and if we broaden the definition of robot to include all artificial humans, then there's the

Especially since it's familiarity really is a big selling point for McDonalds. It's kind of the whole point of that place. Also, I like B-Bops for burgers.

That's pretty scary, and I wonder how many of the women asked would be aware of that failure rate?

Yeah, I'm not at all convinced a flat-out ban on inmate sterilization without medical reason is the way to go here. And if these doctors are faking consent forms, I'm sure they can think of ways to game the new system too.

I don't think it's surprising. Kids are expensive and raising them requires a lot of stability, and if you're incarcerated, poor, and uneducated you might be fairly pessimistic about your ability to provide that for them. Or you might feel like you have enough going on in your life without that extra burden. Other

I also know several people who have cut down on their smoking using E-cigs, and so from that perspective I'm inclined to agree they're a good thing. What I'm personally more dubious about is the different marketing I see being used with them- I saw four or five different stores spring up kind of overnight in town I

It doesn't offend me, but I find it kind of gross. But as I've said before, we shouldn't run society according to my subjective reactions. That world would be aesthetically pleasing but I suspect a bit boring.

I did two spates of living with my mum between degrees, and it was honestly a blast. I worked and paid rent/ bought groceries when I could, but my ma wasn't really fussed about it as long as I did household chores the days that I wasn't working. She'd been doing most of that stuff for about 30 years in addition to

That news story is hilarious. And those ladies who they interviewed are...kind of full of it, tbh. Even if you're not attracted to his particular "sculpted" look, it's pretty damn obvious that this guy is very conventionally, mainstream attractive. Just saying that yes, he is a handsome guy is not the same as saying

The key there is "visible"...I think most lawyers, male or female, wouldn't risk showing their tattoos in open court. But, unless they're somewhere very visible, it's not really an issue.

I mean, I don't think any of this is bad advice, as such, but I'd appreciate it a lot more if people were honest and just said "Look, most people are a lot more conservative than they think, and probably more than you think. Unless you're a real hot-shot Top-Gun style lawyer with years of experience and stella

I knew a guy like this in high school- he was hairy, muscular even at age 17, and every girl in school was in love with him. Not the brightest bulb in the box, but he was also a total doll and everyone's best friend. I think being universally adored made him incredibly secure so he never felt the need to show off or

Yeah, it sounds more like what he's trying to communicate is that the show gave him scope to explore things he hadn't previously been able to deal with, and that he enjoyed that challenge as an actor. But it's a terrible choice of words and phrasing, and he really should have apologized for it.

Yeah, this reaction confuses me mightily. I don't find Ryan Gosling or Channing Tatum attractive at all, but I don't pitch a fit when I see them getting mobbed by female fans. It's whatever floats yer boat and good luck to you, as far as I'm concerned.