Not a "People" Person

Yeah, the heels thing always confuses me because I'm sure a lot of women get told to "make more of an effort" if they wear flats. And stiletto is a width, not a height of heel, as someone point out above. And is it still unprofessional if you wear pants with them so that you can't really see how high the heel is? This

I've found it pays to be selective. I used to buy Vogue when I was in college, and it may just have been youthful zeal but I feel like the magazine has really taken a nosedive in the past ten years. I remember more articles about things like artificial insemination, and less about things like "this media mogul's

My husband and I collectively have about a million plates and mugs and three different sets of incomplete silverware. I mean, upgrading to all matching stuff would have been nice, but also completely superfluous and wasteful. What we needed was not what other people thought we should need.

It's totally generational. My parents weren't fancy folks, but they bought their first house in the late 70s for $3000, flipped it, sold it, and bought the 3-bedroom house they still live in right after marriage. Neither of them had student debts because they'd left school at 16 and gone straight to work. It was a

The state of wedding etiquette is in such flux atm that you're bound to end up offending someone, no matter what you do. I've been to multiple weddings that set up a wishing well/postbox or similar for those who didn't want to give gifts and brought cards with money in them. IMO this just makes sense given how most

I have a lot more steps to be going-out ready (if it's round-the-house-and-netflix ready, then it's 15 minutes tops), but because I've been doing them every day for the approximately the last hundred years I get through them pretty quickly. We're talking maybe 30 minutes with shower included. My husband spends AT

I would love to hear from those who have experience using demi-permanant henna hair dyes. I am feeling a little "blah" about my hair and while I don't want to change anything big, or get the color monkey on my back again, I would like something to pick out the red tinge in my strawberry-blond hair and warm it up a

I bought a pair of the high-rise "Artist" jeans from American eagle and am very happy with them. The flare starts at the knee and the denim is super soft and stretchy.

Gym classes are a good one. This will sound crotchety, but I'm always amazed at just how chatty some people are during the class (I'm the one muttering "if you have breath to chat, you're not working hard enough!") and the endorphins loosen people up like nothing else.

Yeah. The idea is appealing to me in the abstract, but reading about what's involved, the recovery period, and all the possibilities for what could go wrong, adds up to a giant Not Worth It for me.

Only one of my acquaintances that I know of has had breast implants. She saved up for two or three years for it, and factored in the time she'd have to take off work from the beginning so that it was a part of the total costs. Since she'd been working every shift possible to save up the "boob money" (her words- she

Personally I hate the damn things. I think they look just so pretentious, and breathing water vapor over everyone is only slightly less annoying than smoke, as far as I'm concerned. But I feel that way about hookah smoking too, and no-one can agree on whether or not that's bad for you. Probably we shouldn't run the

I agree. I mean, it's fine. You could probably make something better yourself at home, but I feel that way about 80% of the places I eat at.

Yeah, I've got to concur. She's doing what every other child of a rich or famous personality does and at least she seems to have a decent amount of ability for her chosen profession. She's hardly responsible for what the Kardashians have done in the past. Good for her, I say.

I've been so lucky with the pill. The worst side-effect I ever experienced was a touch of paranoia when one version reacted badly with another medication I was taking. But all the others have worked great for me, and although my skin was pretty bad throughout my teenage years it was inevitably a screaming field of

This was from the 2011 Golden Globes; I don't think it's too amazing in terms of red-carpet dresses, but I do think it looks lovely and it does fit her extremely well. I also didn't hate her 2008 Emmy dress (the emerald green number with the plunging neckline, but unlike this one it looked terrible when you saw it

The sad thing is that this is actually kind of a win for her IMO. I mean, it's not great, but it's nowhere near as bad as many of her red-carpet ensembles. Her boobs don't look like they're in too much actual pain here.

I'm the neat and horny one in my marriage. It is not so much fun sometimes!

To be fair, I get stuck in my own sweaters all the damn time without even trying.
It is the hardest thing.

I was wondering about this. The other week I kind of got caught holding a door open for a whole lecture room of people, and I'd say the ratio of people thanking me for doing so was 5:1 female:male. Or maybe men are just less polite?