Not a "People" Person

Oh God, the stories I've heard about women having to deliver dead babies are gut-wrenching. And you're right- statistics consistently demonstrate that later abortions are made overwhelmingly due to problems with fetal development. For the most part women will abort as soon as they can (because we're mostly pretty

In the UK the limit is 24 weeks, and I think that's about right, based on viability. I've not seen any convincing evidence that the fetus feels pain before that stage, which is typically the argument people use to decrease the limit. The vast, vast majority of abortions are performed before this stage anyway, but it

Oh I don't think it's excessive at all. My point was more that 90 minutes a day isn't necessary for most people to maintain a good state of health and fitness - an hour every work day or even 90 minutes three times a week would do it for most people (I've personally found that an hour three times a week is sufficient

I honestly think you're working on a different standard of "in shape" than I am, or than I think most people would. 5 hours a week of moderate to intense exercise will keep you as healthy as most people need to be. Of course it won't result in optimum fitness, but that's a goal you could probably keep working to your

Really? I've never heard anyone recommend that much exercise as a minimum, including doctors and personal trainers. The US department of health recommends 300 minutes of moderate-intense activity per week for "additional and extensive" health benefits, with 150 minutes a week as a base minimum. So five hours a week

I think it's about moderation. Realistically, most people don't need to work out 90 minutes a day, every day, to be "in shape" (I'm only putting that in quotation because "in shape" is a very flexible category depending on the individual). You can probably maintain a healthy lifestyle doing 45 minutes a day. I mean,

I buy their t-shirts when I can, because they really are terrific quality and a great fit. Of course, they're not cheap, so I live for the occasional discount email.

Wasn't that the original question? But I think it factors into the dynamics also. The super wealthy, and particularly the super wealthy who went to the same schools as various world royalty and called them Piggy, tend to skew conservative. It's an old boy's club in more ways than one- what happens behind closed doors

Bear in mind that Woodall (and Lawson, for that matter) are also part of the same social, ah...shall I say "circle"? Old money on all sides there. The British class system may be officially defunct, but there's still a percentage of people who circulate at a certain level and tend to inter-date quite a lot.

Because so much of our current society is based on the assumption that a person is straight. People (and particularly very socially conservative people) still tend to assume it unless specifically told otherwise. Straight people can pass very easily in our society without going into the specific of their orientation

Agreed. It's not so much destroying the couches (which a lot of young dogs grow out of) as the footage of them going for a walk. That's a big, big dog and if she can't control him reliably when he's on the lead it's going to cause major problems.

She may have just had the lawn re-laid (dogs of that size can be very hard on grass) and the carpet remnants are there to protect the new grass growing underneath. Which may also be why she's got the garden hose out (aside from it being fun for the dogs). Or she may have just given up on grass altogether and put the

I'm wondering if she's thinking it's a transitional stage...lots of puppies/young dogs go through a chewing phase; our old lurcher chewed through the arm of one of our sofas, along with books, dining chair legs and shoes. But then my parents refused to buy another sofa until they were sure he'd gotten over that

Yeah, this is a stress thing, not a sex or household chore thing. Adult lives are busy and things that need to get done don't magically disappear because you're horny.

Yeah, I'm very confused by this notion that a fella doing an equal share of the housework is somehow supposed to be "sexy" or at least to be earning himself sexy points or something. You should do your fair share of the work because it's...fair, not because it'll earn you something in return. It seems like some people

My husband is coming into town (we're living separately while I finish up grad school), but he won't arrive until 9:30pm at least. So on Saturday we'll probably have along lie-in, go to IHOP and Home Depot, then watch Netflix all day. In the evening I'll cook something (I'm thinking pulled pork? But maybe it should be

This sounds great to me (although finding a place to eat out on Valentine's day can be enough pressure for the rest of the year as far as I'm concerned). I think it can be a great reminder to show how much you appreciate your partner, whatever form that appreciation takes.

Am I alone in finding that Valentine's Day matters more now that I'm in a LTR than it did when my partner and I first started dating? For the first couple of gos I could take it or leave it, but I think that's because I was in the heady-flush stage and everything we did seemed ultra-romantic. Now we're both so busy

I'm probably in the minority here, but I can't get too upset about this. The Royal Family is an outdated, largely purposeless institution whose only major contribution to the UK in the last few years has been to serve as goodwill ambassadors/tourist magnets. They are largely decorative, so it makes sense for them to

Like others have said, I didn't so much aspire to look like her as assume that this is what grown-up women are supposed to look like. I, personally, didn't focus on the big books as much as I did on the generally slim silhouette and ultra-feminine appearance (the long hair, big eyes etc). She also looked a lot like