Not a "People" Person

No, I agree. I think that while the defense team pretty much failed to prove anything the sisters claimed, they did a bang up job of A) derailing the discussion and B) playing up the idea that the Saatchi household was chaotic, badly run, and that no real rules were established regarding the use of the cards. So while

Yeah, I thought that was a bit odd, too!

Oh yeah. Not to mention that the prime minister sort of got himself involved in the case by coming out in support of Lawson:

I'm wondering if it was more a case of the jury being unconvinced that charging private items was specifically forbidden by Saatchi/Lawson. From other reports that I've read (I think it was one in the Guardian), other assistants charged far more to their cards but weren't accused of fraud. The jury may well have

I think you're right...already they've said it was intended as a "guidance" document only. Honestly, I think the first two conditions (directly inciting violence and disclosing confidential student information) are fair enough, but it's such an atrociously worded policy in addition to that third condition that it

A couple of days ago the Kansas board of Regents adopted a new social media policy that would allow state universities to fire employees (tenured and nontenured) for "improper use of social media," one condition of which was posting thing "contrary to the best interests of the university." This came about after a

See, I would probably count that as emotional abuse. Which is a whole different experience, and in light of which you are entirely entitled to call yourself a survivor without any sense of irony whatsoever.
My point was really just that there's no point for Anderson to be so snippy about what is, at worst, a

Maybe it's just me, but when someone says they "survived" a divorce or a bad breakup, I always took it as a slightly tongue-in-cheek, self-aware witticism that acknowledges that even those these things feel truly terrible at the time, they generally look much less disastrous in retrospect. Feels like Anderson is just

Interesting. I used to read CIF a lot (not so much any more because of the blood pressure) and it seemed like writers frequently had to point out they didn't write the headline. I do agree that that headline is abysmal; I honestly can't imagine anyone thinking it was a good idea, but someone obviously did.

I thought most writers didn't get to create their own headlines, though?

Honestly, if I were married to Rob Ford, I think I'd need the prospect of a nice big cheque to get through holidays too.

I JUST learned about putting a collared shirt under a crew-neck sweater this year (until quite recently I had an overabundance of v-necks) and I was like, MIND. BLOWN. I think most people don't actually want/need to be that creative on a day-by-day basis, and Pinterest definitely comes across more as a tool for

Hey, I'm with you. I think given that being a female mainstream artist (I love Janelle Monae, but the system just isn't yet set up to allow her to become as famous as she should be) essentially requires someone to showcase their sexuality (and especially so for WOC), Beyonce has pretty consistently presented a version

There has been a lot of discussion on Jez over the last few days about whether or not Beyonce, who arguably does utilize her sexuality to sell records etc. gets to call herself a feminist. One person even claimed she doesn't get to call herself an "artist" because she's not Joni Mitchell or something. And yes, a lot

Because, let's face it, Mr. Darcy is too much drama anyways.

Yeah, I think this is probably the most reasonable explanation. A number of people have posited that he's making an absurdist joke designed to mock himself in the role of a terrible person, but they're ignoring that for that kind of joke to work at all it has to be told in the right context. Freeman wasn't filming The

Thanks! Yeah, there are a lot of things I'm going to miss about the UK, but I'm still partially in the wide-eyed "America = land of opportunity!" stage. And I think because I'm not from here, I'm always going to find relatively dull things (to a citizen) amazing. My fiance loves the UK, even the bits I find kind of

Ha, it's like you're opposite me! My fiance is American and I'm from Wales- we met in the UK and then I came to the US to study, and now we're getting married in January. To be fair, so far we've found the process to be okay, albeit incredibly expensive (I like to say that if anyone ever tells me love is priceless, I

That makes a lot more sense.

Never mind, I didn't read it correctly myself. Yeah, I agree, 45 minutes is not a "Teensy bit" of exercise- I think it's supposed to be in "in contrast to the huge amounts of food eaten." So basically, if you don't vastly overindulge in the first place, you don't have to up your exercise either?