Not a "People" Person

Yeah, this always strikes me as moronic. It's like receiving an invitation that says "All welcome!" and complaining that you weren't invited by name.

Heck, I'm very contentedly agnostic and I'll rattle up to any religious holiday going during the dark months between November and March. I honestly try to keep the goodwill to all men thing in mind all year round, but over the coldest, dreariest part of the year I'll take any excuse to down some hot cider, sing some

I'm also taken aback at the breath-taking hypocrisy of this:

Same here. I think if having short hair turns off, say, 20% of guys, it's also a big turn on for another 20% or so. So you're just filtering out people who you probably wouldn't like anyway. And the vast majority probably don't care so long as it suits you.

Absolutely not. One of the formative pillars of my sexuality, right there.

That's dreadful. Seems like they've really ratcheted it up in the last year or so...I was aware of the 1991 law but 800 dogs in one year is a massive number.

Admittedly, I haven't been in the UK for a couple of years, but I don't remember it being quite this bad- certainly lots of people around me owned pit-bull types and crossbreeds. Could you provide me with any links about this? I mean, I totally agree that there is an intermittent hysteria around this breed type, and

On the other hand, my partner has never tried to wake me up at 3:15am by batting at my face or bringing me a partially-eaten and digested insole as a "present."

Oh yeah, this very typical of what I receive as a TA. I've had kids make up words like "unlogical" in their essays. It's mind-boggling.

Absolutely this. I have a longish face with a weak chin and rather bulbous eyes, and hands down I look about 1000 times better with short hair, as long as I've got a decent stylist who knows how to tailor a look to a specific face. This "delicate features" nonsense that gets tossed around is just that.

So much yes to the good stylist thing...I love my current pixie cut, but I have to be veeeeeery careful about going to the right hairdresser or it just ends up looking terrible and square. There are good and bad haircuts at every length. And yes, there are many people who could really benefit from losing a little

I just don't like this one specific look on her, I think. She has such a classically pretty face, she could definitely work a traditional pixie cut; this just sort of looks like a half-hearted compromise. And of course, it's been pomaded to hell and back, so that's not helping.

Why do hairdressers loooooooove to use pomade on short hair so much?? I actually adore my current hairdresser- he's not that chatty, cheap, and does a good job- but I always come out of the salon wearing an oil slick on my head. And every hairdresser I've ever had cut my pixie has done this...

Yes, and people like to use this line of thinking when it comes to other crimes and violations, too. Trusting someone is not a moral failure.

I agree, though not due to any concerns about chivalry. The problem is some men (men like Touchy McFeelyHands there) simply will not take a woman's rejection, refusal or protest seriously until another man steps in. A certain brand of neanderthal doesn't think there's anything wrong with violating a woman's personal

Yeah, this was my first response too. Always treat your customer well because, in this instance, he could have been coming back five years later with a big ol' engineering paycheck to buy luxury goods on the regular.

Not to mention the fact that many of people his age tend to have a lot of expendable income while in college. Some of my students will blow their entire student loan at the beginning of the semester on a car or a fancy computer...hell, a lot of them live a much nicer lifestyle than I do! They may get into trouble

Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense. Hopefully he'll pick up the idea really quickly! I think a lot of men justify this behavior to themselves by thinking that there's "women" and then there's the women they know- like they're two separate entities. This could be really good wake-up call for him to remember that there's

This has been my experience too. I moved from the U.K. to the Midwest just over a year ago and the clothes, in particular, have been a major adjustment. In summer it seems like everyone is wearing running shorts and in the winter everyone wears leggings. I was warned that I was too overdressed to go to an all-day

Yeesh, that sounds terribly annoying. I do wish you luck! Your talk sounds great. As for the weight thing- yeah, I wouldn't bring that up unless he does, but if he should you could add that you would think someone who is of an above-average weight himself would have a little more compassion and empathy.