Not a "People" Person

It's probably just damage, but it almost looks like there's been some clumsy Photoshopping done to that third image. Just doesn't look right, somehow...

Like everyone says, it depends on the industry, the location, the company ethos etc. I would however suggest that given how popular tattoos are nowadays amongst all kinds of people, it's something that's likely to change in the near future. Such a high proportion of the population will have tats that excluding them

Weirdly, that idea never occurred to me until I'd read your comment. Even though that's a totally valid interpretation of the image (valid as in: yep, that's definitely something you could see there with very little trouble). Brains are odd, aren't they?

Oh yeah, I always manage to eat them somehow. I just don't feel good about it!

Yeah, I can see this working. For me, eating healthy consistently is difficult because it's so easy not to. You know what the good choices are, but it's very easy to get into a "just this once won't matter" attitude and then suddenly you haven't had a vegetable in days. If someone paid me to make those good choices

I must admit, I'm one of those people who finds Peeps just soooo adorable, especially the Halloween ghosts. I would never actually buy them because I would feel guilty for eating them (like those damn lint chocolate bunnies- how am I supposed to enjoy eating something that has a sadly tinkly bell whenever I try to

Pit Bulls and Staffies (which is what a lot of "pit bulls" actually are, at least in the UK) tend to be very smart, very territorial dogs. Which means that if they are well-trained, socialized, and cared for adequately they will be lovely lovely pets. They used to be called "nanny dogs" because they were so good with

Jesus. Seriously, that kid should not be in jail- he should be in a mental institution of some kind. I can understand people just not liking animals, but to act that horrendously toward a living creature bespeaks of huge mental issues.

It's weird, in my home country I'm fairly well middle-class but in the US I seem poor as all hell- and I come from another developed, Western-European country. When people hear I don't have a smart phone, or that I don't drive and take the bus or walk everywhere, or that I don't have cable, they look at me like I've

This raises an interesting question- if the school is willing to hire this guy on the basis that he did certain things they disapprove of, but not while under contract, would the same logic apply to others? For example, would they continue to employ a woman who had once been a stripper/sex worker as long as she no

I'm honestly surprised such a contract was legal in the first place. I get that it's a religious freedom issue, she didn't have to work there, etc; etc; but still, such a requirement seems like it would be a serious infringement on basic human freedoms.

Yeah, given my experience with babies, I'm not sure I'd ever feel a room had been sufficiently baby-proofed to do that. Kids seem to devote all their time to finding inventive ways to get hurt. And anyway, aren't playpens just a short-term solution for when you need thirty minutes to yourself for stuff?

Not sure about that. I've been nagging my ma for years to learn to drive, for example. She's in her mid-fifties now, but I think about how much she could have gotten accomplished in terms of her own life if she'd just had that little bit more independence (we live in a fairly isolated area). Maybe she wouldn't have

I did cut up a bit wild when I was younger (I started drinking in my mid-teens) so maybe I've just gotten it out of my system earlier than most? That said, I never really enjoyed the club/bar scene to begin with- I always preferred going out to dinner or getting giggly drunk at a friend's house, and getting a taxi

I dunno. I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm already starting to feel this way. Maybe I'm just a very boring person?

I wouldn't actually mind gaining some length- my feet are small but wide and shoe-shopping is very difficult, so I guess that would be my one chance at proportionality?

Oh yeah, that definitely happens!

I have the additional problem that I have a 28 back size and a full cup. Used to be tricky enough in the UK, but it's proved functionally impossible for me to buy a bra in-store in the Midwest. My BF thought I was exaggerating the situation until we tried to find me a bra before Xmas. As we left the mall after going

I'm prone to depression myself, but I never noticed anything in that respect while on Accutane. Obviously it's different for everyone, but certainly don't take it as read that you will become depressed while on Accutane. I did develop some feelings of paranoia, but once I stopped taking BC at the same time (I was

2 years?! I was only on Accutane for six months! Not disagreeing that Accutane could have been responsible for your friend's problems at all, but that's a very long time to be on it- was it a very low dose?