Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.
Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.
Not Normal is a short film made using Grand Theft Auto V. Come for the chilling tale of murder on the streets of Los…
lol jesus christ, always some polygon-esque social justice kill joy
How are you reading Kotaku in 2017 and somehow mystified by the concept of professional streaming?
I don’t blame Facebook, they’re simply the most popular social media site and therefor are used by propagandists. Hell look st Yahoo and their horrid comments section. At least Facebook makes people be at least somewhat accountable by using their (mostly) real names. Yahoo gives them complete anonymity .
It’s almost as if Twitter had something to do with technology
Rudolph, do us a favor, and stop equating inconsequential things to cancer. Makes you look unintelligent.
this is too much power
Man, it must really bum you out to hear that climate change involves increases in extremes of all types, such as droughts *and* floods. How are you to possibly know what to think if scientific concepts have the slightest bit of nuance or complexity? We’d all better stick to smartphone reviews just to be safe and not…
Except you get to keep your all your income, you get to protect the environment like you want, you get to keep as many immigrants as you choose, and you have the 8th largest economy in the world, ample crop space, and ready access to shipping lanes.
Hands look to scale. Good job, Madame Tussauds.
No. Just because you’re too fucking lazy to learn another language does not put the onus on the rest of the world to learn yours.
The 1000+ ft tall wall of water in Alaska was because a mountain fell into the mouth of an inlet, which then focused the wave as it narrowed. And even then, it wasn’t 1000ft high. The water sloshed up the side of the mountains to that height.
Says privileged white man/woman who Trump’s policies will in no way affect.
Fuck yeah I love my governor!!
Why does everyone (at Gizmodo) think the execs are submitting and bending to King Trumps’ will. I bet they accepted the invitation because they believe they can educate Trump in the scientific method, using crayons and coloring books.
So use the goddamn included lightning adaptor, which is included with the phone.
People who likes to watch Transformer movies?
If Kotaku stopped writing about any gaming personality/company that lied and manipulated people for their own benefit, they wouldn’t have anyone to write about.