
Ah yes, the old hate on PewDiePie bandwagon. You know I don’t care for his videos, or the way he presents himself and I don’t watch him but...

what about the fans who are inspired by buu

Maybe in 4 years or so. Until then, you are just out of luck.

Oy, false equivalencies everywhere. Elon saying I’d like to do this, or I’m hoping to release by this date, or it would be great if we could offer this feature isn’t even in the same ballpark as news stories written by fictional characters that make patently false claims about historical events — Not plans that might

Don’t be that guy.

Really, what’s the big deal? We just elected a less intelligent Putin.


Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.

Apparently she should have been more racist, inflammatory, and reprehensible.

Like posting comments on a post about a political game?

On the other hand, you’re bloggers who “Spend the Day Ripping Lines From Reddit,” so let’s call it even.

So what? The guy make good original tweets using facts sourced from wikipedia, the biggest crowdsourced encyclopedia that everyone uses, again what’s the big deal with this?

Hm. Not too sure what the problem is. You can absolutely source your tweets to Wikipedia, because they’re tweets, not academic papers.

I’m not sure if this is a Texas thing or San Antonio thing but HOAs here are prohibited by law from banning solar installations.

No. Basically, online cheaters are scumbags, and they ruin the experience for everyone else. Fuck cheaters.

1. You don’t understand natural selection.

Obviously it’s the lizard people, who have been living underground since our primate ancestors defeated them millions of years ago. They’ve been waiting for this exact moment to eat all our internet bits and conquer us while we’re trying to get Netflix to load.

Here’s the problem: when the organization disseminating that information is no longer about transparency but about blatantly trying to affect the outcome of an election, specifically attacking one party and not the the other, using hacked information from a foreign government which is also attempting to bring about

Nah. If he’s involved in something interesting, we’re posting. Here we’ve got a playful way to look at the general pointlessness of pre-ordering video games. It only works because of the scale of his success.