Justin Bailey isn’t a mystery. It’s just a really lucky quirk. Justin Bailey just happens to be a valid Metroid password that gives all weapons and the suit. You can play around with a metroid password generator and see. The reason it was discovered is some kid named Justin Bailey entered his name in as a password and…
But... they’re one continuous story...
Except this is their fourth time failing to meet demand on this product…and look free publicity.
I’m super disappointed with Nintendo on the Amiibo thing. I get that they’re hooked on this limited supply thing (which is a bullshit business model to begin with as it inherently creates winners and losers), but even doubling the supply would still make some of these Amiibos rare. Some of them are going for almost…
Let’s not overdrive the puns today
Dear author of this article and the maker of this game,
Someone made this vid. Pretty NSFW, but just too fun to watch.
I don't think it will end. The thing is that back in the 80s and 90s you had maybe the one game to play for months upon end. Today there's no end to the barrage of great stuff. Just play something else, this game has an audience in which you're not included.
Considering this is a work of only 1 person, not a team of hipster developers working inside a starbucks, I think you can give the man a little slack. He has been working on the game for 4 years entirely by himself.
That's cool and all, the good news is you don't have to play this. I don't see retro style as a trend, I see it as a stylistic choice that adds variety to the kinds of games we play.