I think she’s got on enough make-up... she looks like a porcelain doll... why?
I think she’s got on enough make-up... she looks like a porcelain doll... why?
I’ve always thought that the style of cap that Link from Zelda wears was a one of a kind thing just for the Kokiri kids so their fairies could hang out in them. Is that type of hat made specifically for something or’s it just a fashion choice? Is it historical or something? Does it have a name? Seeing it on this…
Why’s the poise being broken being talked about, but nobody except me seems to care about the atrocious online latency issue that’s been in every single FromSoftware game I’ve played since Armored Core 4?...
Seriously, it’s a connection between two to four players, and you guys STILL haven’t figured out how to make it…
“Because Nintendo.”
...the last THREE times I saw these posts, the sale was done or they were sold out. When I got Dark Souls 3, I decided I had to just buy one at full price, and BOOM, lookie here, and it’s still in stock. >A<
...the last THREE times I saw these posts, the sale was done or they were sold out. When I got Dark Souls 3, I…
That was my thoughts on the sounds... no UMPH... most of the weapons sound very similar... lots of “tit tis tif.” Even the shotguns sound like they’re firing more air than cartridge... The only cool sounding weapon I remember was the heavy machine gun, namely the Thunder Lord with it’s added sparking... though, my sad…
Bikinis are NSFW now?
The shaving brush in the top image had me searching the entire page for a deal relevant to one, but I don’t see one... mistake? I’ve been needing a new one.
The shaving brush in the top image had me searching the entire page for a deal relevant to one, but I don’t see…
Preordered the super expensive for the time 3DS, then a Zelda themed one comes out. Got an XL and transferred everything to it, then a Zelda themed one comes out. A stupidly designed “new” 3DS comes out, and I decide to stay put. A Zelda themed one comes out. Now, if I want to play these great games on the go, I have…
It’s so obvious to anyone who games that two same sized analog sticks/sliders above the DPAD on the left and below the buttons on the right would be the best configuration, and, yet, Nintendo decides to toss a tiny nub into a tiny space above the face buttons... sigh*
Damn... out of stock. Thanks for looking out though!
Damn... out of stock. Thanks for looking out though!
I’ve been disappointed with this for years... having gotten one of the very first monitors to release. I figured by now it would have been more thought of.
If you say so, Mike...
I think they look like crap compared to the McFarlane toys.
Cool costume. Terrible photos. My opinion.
Step 1) Don’t.
Step 2) Play Diablo II.
Bruh... permanent 20% off for pre-orders and orders of new games placed within 2 weeks of release?!
Bruh... permanent 20% off for pre-orders and orders of new games placed within 2 weeks of release?!
He’s most likely, clearly just engaging with someone else across the way...
As someone who wandered in here from other Kinja sites and who doesn’t pay any fucking attention to the personal lives of famous persons, what the hell are y’all on about?
“He’s such a dick!” etc. ...are you his wife? Leave their personal lives…
Then neither are the Magic cards you’re saying this guy’s painted cards just copied... the “art” is surrounded by a boarder/frame in both cases.
I don’t see that... I mean, you could stretch it, of course... they’re both FPS perspective games that feature you inside a battle suit of some sort exploring alien worlds... And H5’s little side story thing can be finished in like 4 hours... less linear than H4, yeah, but is it like Metroid Prime? Hardly.