
I thought one of the perks of getting older was the acquisition of wisdom but clearly I was wrong.

Saying that age and experience has given you wisdom does not mean that you are calling someone else dumb. If the current generation thinks that then they are dumb.

They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
They could care less as long as someone’ll bleed

“If you take a piece of chocolate, like a little bite, it’s like 350 calories,” said Trump

You know, I used to love a good dirty song. But when EVERY song is just a badly written description of sex, it gets boring real fast.

She didn’t assume your sister didn’t have money, just that she wasn’t incredibly reckless bordering on stupid with her money. Thanks for setting the record straight on that one.

I am pretty sure that IS what it means. Classist as fuck? The woman is trying to run a goddam business, which is what all these so-called ‘influencers’ should be trying to do.

I assumed this meant that since it is such an expensive destination, comping so much would have to have a much larger return on investment than most of these people could possibly offer.

How many of the followers of these “influencers” can actually afford to visit these luxury resorts themselves? The answer: none of them. Well, not without permission from mom and dad.

Sure it does, Herr Oral Wank.

I’m not feeling the blonde hair.

Throw a skirt over that baby and you’ve got a bustle!

I feel great sympathy for the families, but those “what if...” questions will do nothing but make you crazy. What if my loved one had a cold that night and stayed home? What if he had been standing somewhere else? What if the security guard had shot the assailant? You can’t rewind time and change the events. No

JLaw looks like his teenage daughter in that photo.

I didn’t kill and/or torture all of my sims but I know I killed off a few sims that were interrupting a plot I had imagined for my other sims. This included partners/spouses of pre-made characters mostly.

I didn’t think there could be a worse way to tip than a Christian pamphlet but here we are.

I still dress like the one on the far right.

I didn’t come out of a vagina. The doctors cut a hole in my mom’s uterus and dragged me out (C-Sections are hardcore when you think about it).

Yeah, it seems like a douchey 15-year-old thing to demand until you remember the whole cult aspect and that puts a different spin on things.

So, it just dawned on me that Willow and Jaden were named after Will and Jada and now I feel totally stupid but also... mind blown. That is some weird shit right there.