
I’m the other way. I’m absolutely not a risk taker, and I love horror movies, especially if they’re about something supernatural or are psychologically intense.

I’m the opposite I think. I don’t seek thrills but I love horror movies and watch them as often as possible. I in fact use them to go to sleep a lot of nights. I haven’t quite figured out why I do that.

There’s a whole section on “Halloween Witnessing Ideas!” on Chick’s website. It offers great last-minute tips for sucking the fun out of your party.

I also once owned an instrument of the devil...

The tinfoil.

Brings new meaning to “not here to make friends.”

Pete Burns and Jack Chick get to the pearly gates at the same time.

And if the man had truly intended for his nieces and nephews to inherit the building, he probably would have written a will to that effect.

You know what, not to straightsplain their relationship of devalue it, even if they had been roommates and “great companions” after 50 years of being together he’s much more entitled to the property than some rado relative that probably sent a Christmas card one a year.

Sometimes I just want to adopt all gay couples into my family hearing about how their families treat them :(

I hope that Mr. Doyle bequeaths the home to that one sane niece in his validly executed will.

One niece, Shelia McNichols, had attempted to abide by her uncle’s wishes by assigning her piece of the inheritance to Mr. Doyle, but the rest of Mr. Cornwell’s relatives chose not to go along, Mr. Gray said.

I’m curious who Doyle’s next of kin on his side of the family — if any — are. Maybe these brats nieces and nephews and him could just agree that he bequeath the place to them when he passes. He gets to stay and die in peace, they end up with the apartment. It’s been 55 years, what’s another few?

kelly, my dear, i think autocorrect has struck again. i’m sure you probably know more about alan turing than i do. although it’s certainly possible there was another famous heroic british homosexual coincidentally named alan turning.

why is everyone so obsessed with gendering our babies so hard?! like, just make nice looking shit that won’t kill them! We can take it from there! i feel like the only stuff that is cute is definitely the overpriced designer stuff that they grow out of in 2 minutes. a nice neutral sweater and cute little plain

Now playing

If that story gets you, you’ll *love* this. I actually love everything by “thelittlefears.”

I have always wondered, how does something with horns even lay down in a bed properly? It looks to me that no matter how they would turn their head they would have their horns pushing their head up at an awkward angle. How do they not get serious neck pain?

My American Jezzie friends have explained to me numerous times why certain groups have so much hatred towards a health service, but my mind still has trouble accepting it. I mean hospitals also provide abortions, because it’s health care. Animosity towards a health provider is just incomprehensible for those of us in

Honestly, if I was the passenger who fell ill I’d be mad as hell too. You nearly let me die because you’re racist and sexist? There was a qualified doctor offering to help and you GOT IN HER WAY? I’d be fucking furious.