
Did you even read the article? Classifying misogyny as a hate crime doesn’t change the crime — as the article says, there are already laws against harrassment and unwanted touching. What it does is allow police to offer more support to victims.

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My Sims never get laid after the honeymoon. Too much other stuff to do. Like drank orange soda.

If today is Ava Phillippe’s 17th birthday, that means she was born on 9/9/99, and that’s rad.

So, I guess Jesus attends orgies? I feel a little ashamed.. I’ve never been invited to a orgy and yet the virtuos son of God has.. Time to go to church!

I have the unfortunate tendency to behave in a way inconsistent with other people, and that disparity is more pronounced under stress.

Based on the look of her cups, I’d say she’s drinking ice tea

It absolutely is bullshit to imply at attachment parenting is the best or only way to do it. It’s one way to do it, and I think what Lua is saying, and I agree with, is that it’s probably not going to harm your kid to do it that way. That said, both the philosophy and many of its fans suggest that it’s the one “right”

I love the 0.0

Have you seen the see through boots?

To be fair, some of it is losing her baby face. I have pictures of me at 21 when I was skinner, but my face looks rounder than it does a few years later.

She doesn’t look as fake without makeup on, she has cute freckles. She sure as shit had work done but it doesn’t look as obvious when she’s makeup free

I feel like the dress would have been fine without the addition of those boots. Then again, I’m sitting in my cube wearing skinny jeans, a tank top, a cardi and some sensible sandals, so what do I know?

I wish. We got one list from a teacher on the first day of school, stating that all of the specific items needed for her class had to be purchased by Wednesday of that same week, or they would be marked down for not being prepared. I kid you not.

The notebooks and planners are like crack cocaine to me. I fucking love my notebooks. As much as I write here and elsewhere online, I do a lot more writing on paper, and I don’t think I could live without them, for my little lists, drawings, treatises, lol. My grandfather sold really high end office supplies to

I still have empty, pristine 5 Star notebooks in my parents’ basement that were never touched. I graduated high school over 15 years ago.

I shit you not I had enough left over notebooks and loose leaf paper to get me through all of undergrad. With the exception of overpriced engineering paper, USB drives, three ring binders and new pencil erasers, I didn’t need to buy ANYTHING during college. I had so many left overs from our required shopping lists for

Right? It looks like the suit thingy that surfers wear.

John Waters need to make a movie about this guy.

Holy shit, his poor wife. In that first picture, the mannequins don’t seem to have bizarrely enlarged breasts, so I was kind of eh weird, but whatever. But, then the later pictures... : (