
Allahu Aloha Akbar

Man, I’d hate to think what they’re doing in the town of Mean.

1) And then after cooking, if you want to shower, you have to go through the kitchen to get to your shower, and then back through the kitchen to get to your closet.

The difficulty which is the end result (the further you get from the mean skin tone, the worse your options get) is similar, but the reasons for the problem (the conventional beauty industry spent a long time not wanting anything to do with non-white ladies versus most companies just not catering to the ghostly end of

I always thought it was stupid how makeup companies seemed to offer dozens of different shades for tanned white women, and nothing else.

I think it’s a problem for everyone who isn’t the specific skin tones most commonly represented, but much, much worse for people with darker skin.

The drooling thing could come from medicines her mother put her on without the doctor knowing. For example, tardive dyskinesia, caused by antipsychotics, can manifest itself by excessive drooling. But I would say that treating excessive drooling using Botox or removal of the salivary glands is overkill and the doctor

Yeah, it’s not okay when a 24 year old man knocks up a 17 year old girl, so I’m not sure why the reverse would be okay with anyone... I guess it just gets glossed over in a story like this though, because on balance, it’s one of the least fucked up things about this story.

I also found it noteworthy that the mom was 24 and the dad was 17 when she got pregnant. Not sure if it ~means~ anything in this, but it definitely seemed not okay to me.

But like, FOR EXAMPLE, installing ear tubes with no documented ear infections; or the botox for the salivary glands for drooling too much; there were SO MANY interventions done over the years, so many medications prescribed, based only on the mother’s say-so. My pediatrician wouldn’t prescribe antibiotics for my kid

This is another serious question - who was operating on a patient that obviously didn’t have the conditions that would require the operations? It sounds like a serious breach of ethics on the part of the surgeons. The whole thing is heart-wrenching. The daughter should have been taken away from this monster by social

Just reading the quoted description of “interventions” made me sick to my stomach. Who the fuck were the doctors that were doing this to her?

The latter could be hyperbole. The former is hard to take as anything but fact.

The funny thing is that I felt as if I was being hammered with Olympic coverage of every little detail leading up to the games and then once they actually commenced I didn’t really hear a peep. Sure I heard about sexy Tonga man, the green pool and Lochtegate but other than that? Nothing. If it wasn’t for this article

Exactly this. People who are born with a naturally super-human lung capacity aren’t required to take medication to level the playing field, nor are bizarrely tall basketball and volleyball players required to squat down to be fair to shorter people. The whole point of elite sports of any kind is that they’re taking

In his Massey Lecture, author Lawrence Hill talked about his teenage dream to compete in the 5000 metres at the Olympics. He trained hard, but wasn’t seeing the results his coach expected from training.His coach suggested some medical tests, which determined that Hill’s blood was less efficient at carrying oxygen than

I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.

This article kind of omits the actual, somewhat understandable criticism of that piece by Wallrodt. He makes a pretty good point about this mostly being a publicity stunt meant to boost the twins’ social media presence (which they have apparently been working on quite zealously these past years).