
‘Steampunk Annie Hall' is the most glorious and accurate descriptor ever.

I loved her look and I’m a dude. Like a Steampunk Annie Hall. Also, did anyone catch that they did her hair like Egon from “The Real Ghostbusters” cartoon?

I don’t know who did it but I do have a good idea who should investigate:

Wanted for questioning:

Again, this obnoxious conflation of “free speech” with “I don’t want to hear any criticism about my opinion.” That’s not how this works, guys.

Wow. Not that this excuses this little shitstain’s behaviour at all but with a father like that, that boy never stood a chance.

I would take anything Bild writes with a grain of salt. It’s a bullshit spewing tabloid.

And Aussies are used to living in an environment that seems to be engineered for the sole purpose of constantly trying to kill them.

I’ve heard this law argued about a bit and I always want to say in response to the well-meaninh(?) but misguided comment, “Well I’m for this law because I’d want to know if my daughter was in such a situation and be able to be there for here, even if it was to seek an abortion...” I always want to say, “yeah but you

Yeah this didn’t trick me at all. It’s just blonde underneath, is it really confusing to some people? Like she obviously flips it....

I always thought Queen Elizabeth was the one with the truly beautiful dresses and outfits. Diana and Kate could try but she was the o.g.

If you’re in my house (I’m under the age of 60) who still has 2 VCRs, it’s for one reason only.

Or the most literary! Have you not read the wonder of wonder that is Jane Eyre? Book nerds unite!

My first thought when I saw the little black heart, but I’m an oldster, so...

It sounds exactly like a first draft of a story where the author has no idea what any of the governmental or political infrastructure looks like and fills in every technical term as “spy stuff” and “the spy company” in the text.

Please, for the love of god, someone send an ARC to Robert Pattinson to review. And then stick his review on the back cover.

Somewhere out there, E.L. James just preordered this and opened a new Word doc.

I think that sort of defines her in general. Some of the ideas could be interesting in the hands of an actual writer, but she’s not a writer. She’s a fan-fiction writer that somehow got a publishing deal.

Oh man, what I wouldn't give to see a journalist wearing an evening gown there now.

Maybe it’s just because I don’t have the psychopath gene and don’t truly understand how people like this think but wouldn’t you be concerned that the person you are torturing might snap and oh, I don’t know, murder your children?