In Victorian times they had a ‘code’ to express things in obituaries to make them printable.
In Victorian times they had a ‘code’ to express things in obituaries to make them printable.
Apparently she hung herself from the knob of her bedroom door. I didn’t even know that was possible.
It looks exactly like one of my umbrellas.
I only know a series about a boxing monk.
We watched it in high school when we were 17 (the movie got a 16 rating over here). The teacher allowed people to leave the room and wait in the cafeteria if it was too gory for them. By the end only the ones who were into horror movies (mostly goths and metalheads) were left, which were incidentally also the least…
We actually watched that in school with a priest. He liked it because ‘to understand all the jokes you have to know the bible very well’.
My mother always complains that my signature barely looks like letters and that it looks so different from hers. Meanwhile my dad’s signature looks like a skywriter practicing loopings.
Prostitution is legal where I live and in the next small town over is a brothel. It’s surrounded by regular family homes and the only indication to what goes on inside are the fact that it is painted dark red and a subtle ‘Club 69' sign over the door. The kids in the area think it’s a normal club house like those for…
Chances are that by the time she turns 13 she won’t want one anymore.
I was a tween when we got internet and the number one rule was ‘don’t tell anyone on the internet your real name’ (or any other information of that kind). Now the same relatives/friends are the ones who display their whole lives online.
I’m 27 and only got a facebook account during university because everyone else in a group project insisted/refused to use any other means of communication. The university has its own messaging system btw. I haven’t used that account in years.
If she was gay her momager would have already used that fact to its full potential.
Do you use a top sheet in addition to a duvet/comforter cover or instead of one? I only have a fitted sheet that covers my mattress and matching covers for my pillow and duvet/comforter. Btw, I was trying to figure out the difference between a duvet and a comforter (the definition seems to depend on where you live). I…
The way German grammar works you can combine an infinite amount of words into a new compound word. I’m German and during spelling tests my teacher would often just make up words. Compared to that the words they use in spelling bees are easy because they are limited to dictionaries.
It looks like raw chicken.
As a European I am genuinely confused by American bedding.
I just had a bilingual brain fart (in German slips are underpants) and was trying to figure out why that would be so strange.
That would be the North Korean knock-off.