
I have never seen a baby with freckles. I thought they show up later in life. That’s how it was for all the freckled people I know.

A while ago I found one of my mum’s old teen magazines that contained an article about a teenage girl who stalked Franz Beckenbauer and showed up at his house. Things must have been very different back then because instead of calling the police, he and his wife invited her inside to have breakfast with them. They

The weirdest depiction of abortion I’ve ever seen was in a crime movie from the 60s. A teenage girl had an abortion on a kitchen table. The camera only showed various objects on the table (knitting needles and something that looked like salad tonges), everything else was off-screen. That somehow left the girl brain-dam

Many celebrity houses look very impersonal because they were furnished and decorated by designers. I’ve seen very few celebrity houses that look as if someone actually calls it home.

And I thought the story about how my cousin bought a ‘golden retriever’ puppy that turned out to be a St Bernhard was weird.

Now I understand why stepmom porn exists.

Wikipedia say this:

So Tut’s wife was also his half-sister/cousin, whose parents were full siblings?

There is an old German joke that shortly after torture was abolished and the torturers were out of work, there was a shortage of teachers because education was made compulsory.

I misread that as burping competition.

Many of my textbooks still had Germany split into East and West. I was born in 1991 and born and raised in Germany.

I think my parents were very relieved that they weren’t the ones who had to explain sex ed to me. That would have been embarassing for all parties involved.

like when they take up the whole sidewalk or don’t move out of a doorframe

Unless you went to school in Germany and your name is Linda, I guess not.

Wasn’t there an article a while ago about a bc app being sued because it failed hilariously?

Effingham County

Kids don’t need a campaign to be best, they just read wikihow.

In my first semester of university I thought I had finished all my exams until I realized I had still one final exam the next morning (or in 3 hours, depending on how you see it). I had the choice between sleeping 2 hours or last minute cramming. I chose sleep and got the second best score.