
Abortions have always existed in some form or another, long before it was legal, long before there was law and long before we had even a rudimentary understanding of medicine.

What are these before and after pictures about? He just got redder and hairier.

This made me realize that I still want Scary’s coat and I’m now old enough to buy one. Any suggestions?

Try the German site, they even have gifs of the tampon expanding. The names of each type are still the same.

Have you tried using them like this? Impaling tampons on my nails works the best for me.

In Germany tampon boxes have a little picture of a crossed out toilet.

I’m German and ob is the standard over here. You’d actually have to try hard to find tampons with an applicator. The first time I had to use one of those was worse than my first time using a tampon. I guess I have to feel what I’m doing.

I was at one wedding where the groom’s ex-wife was also invited. They had kids together and they were part of the ceremony, so it would have been a dick move to exclude her.

That are the ones I write best with. I’m a leftie and my teacher had no idea how to handle that. When she realized that my handwriting looked best using them, she allowed me to use them even when we were supposed to use fountain pens.

Growing up I was almost exactly the same age as the neighbours’ kid. I was already speaking in sentences while has was barely stringing word together and he was already running while I didn’t even try to get up on my legs. Both of our parents worried if something was wrong with either of us, but we were both normal.

I hadn’t had to use cursive since elementary school. None of my other teachers ever required it and many prefered block (or that weird thing you writing turns into over the years). I’m also left-handed and my teacher had no idea what to do with me.

I’m not even in the illustrations. I’m a leftie and I hold pencils the same way I use chopsticks (or the other way around).

I’m a leftie and I don’t use my ring finger at all when I’m writing. Am I doing something wrong?

I’m pretty sure that all these years I’ve actually been holding my pencils way to close to the point. Is this why I always get ink all over my fingers? Is everything a lie?

I’ve gotten several Halloween discounts without actually wearing a costume. At the same time I often get compliments from elderly ladies. That’s a venn diagram I didn’t know could exist.

Now playing

I’m also getting a bit of La Camilla from the Versailles look.

My favourite is still ‘name something one should know about their partner before gettig married’. ‘Their name?’

Most animals used in the meat industry have very little in common with their ancestors. But I agree that dogs and animals like chicken, cows or pigs were domesticated for different reasons.

If you count handjobs that sounds about right.