
France does have an age of consent, 15. Hence the “sexual abuse of a minor under 15"and “she looked at least 16". I’m a bit confused.

You giving your mom your old stuff is one thing, but mine actually digs stuff out of my trash. One time I found some of my old underwear on her clothesline.

I had some friends who could buy cigarettes since they’ve been 13 while I still looked like 12 when I was 16. Being around each other amplified that effect. People would never guess that we were the same age. Even nowadays I sometimes get mistaken for an older teen. We all had our fair share of experiences with creepy

She clearly distinguishes between items that don’t bring joy and items that serve a purpose. Her idea is items have to serve a specific pupose (not ‘I might need it some day’) or make you happy. Only if it does neither of them, it should be thrown out. I don’t like mowing the lawn, but I won’t throw out my lawnmower

There you go.

What’s frustrating for me is that there seems to be a value judgment from those who successfully Kondo-d

She never claimed that her methods would help true hoarders. She mostly talks about people who forgot or never learned how to stay organized.

Whenever I throw something out it suddenly reappears at my mother’s house. That is the real mystery.

It had a big hole and was covered in rust, I just reburied it in another part of the garden.

Is he carrying a jar with his removed ribs inside?

I had to google that. Apparently Mormons pray in their underwear or did I get that wrong?

I only know one couple where a shotgun wedding worked and resulted in a working relationship. Addionally they are also very frank about why they got married. They got married in 1963(?) at age 19 and are still going strong. I believe they are that classic single exception to the rule.

Are there any theories on why they covered up one pregnancy, but not the other? I agree that it all seems very suspicious, but that part never makes sense.

Dakota Meyer has an article in German wikipedia, but Bristol doesn’t (only her mother has one). I have a feeling someone did that out of spite. Members of foreign military rarely get articles in other languages.

Trig Paxson Van (born 2008)

Sometimes bad things happen before there even is an address. While gardening I found some old WW1 ammunition and an old frying pan. The house was built in the 60s and before that the place was an apple orchard.

Also giving something up isn’t always selfish. Sometimes the things you give up harm others.

I was horrible at managing money once I finally had some. I wouldn’t buy expensive things (everything seemed expensive to me because I was used to not being able to afford things), but lots of cheap tat.

Or just celebrate in on March 14th like the Japanese.

Most of my clear boxes for storing jewellery and other bits and bobs are empty Rocher containers.