I once tried to end a convo like that with “let’s agree to disagree” and the person tried to disagree with that comment. He went in circles with himself for a while.
I once tried to end a convo like that with “let’s agree to disagree” and the person tried to disagree with that comment. He went in circles with himself for a while.
Even if they serve evidence on a silver platter by filming themselves it doesn’t help.
I think it depends on how a religion or organisation teaches morals. If they only teach their members to fear punishment, be it divine or worldly, then they aren’t really teaching morals. I’ve heard people admit that they’d happily do X or Y if it wasn’t against their religion (or would cause some other consequences),…
At my camp I only learned how to play poker and black jack. The counselor was one of my classmates who was one year older (being somewhat older than the kids you had to watch was the only requirement) than us. He was supposed to teach us *something*. I admit of all the things we did during that week, that’s the skill…
But the guy really doesn’t look like a kid.
“Trump stump”
You can train horses to pee only in certain areas and on command. A nearby park offers carriage rides and the horses only pee or poop over a special grate.
There are also dogs (maybe some other animals) that can smell if your blood sugar is too low.
Depending on the specific bear and cat, one is appaerntly enough.
I’d love to wear a mask withous issues because I always have a cold nose.
My mother tried to get people’s full names and birthdays out off me, so she could check if they had any criminal records (she had a job where she could easily do that). A few times she told me not to see someone anymore for some trivial thing they had done years ago.
There actually is a solid gold toilet, though not this one.
And the original was made by a Chinese jeweler in 2001, based on an quote of Lenin.
Slightly off topic, but toilet seats keep disappearing from my university. Is this a new trend/prank that I’ve missed?
That reminds me of one very religious couple at my high school who got married as soon as they turned 18, right on the school grounds. They purposely did it so that we could see them from the windows. I haven’t seen them since I graduated, so I have no idea how that turned out. Then there was another one who…
I admit that I only managed to insert tampons after I had my first gynological checkup involving a speculum (I was 14). After that is was super easy, like opening a jar after the seal is broken. But I know that this is not related to my hymen.
He reminds me of Prometheus in some ways.
I think you could paste the text of the upper card somewhere and most people would mistake it for parts of the bible (aside from the lines about science, but I doubt they’d read that thoroughly).
I seem to know very different pregnant women because I was told I come across as almost rudely uninterested. As long as you’re not bringing up the topic I will go back to business as usual.
Btw, does anyone else HATE fleece? It leaves a weird icky dry feeling on my skin. I can’t wear clothes that are made of or lined with fleece. Microfibre is smiliar, but not as bad.