
Sure, Jan Julia. We believe you.

I like how Leno hosting a game show, a cable show about cars, and a web-series, AND doing several stand up dates every month counts as mostly-retired.

Neither Keith Richards or Carl Perkins did any chicken-pickin in that performance. It’s a technique that utilizes the middle and ring fingers in addition to the pick to (mostly) replicate banjo rolls and such. They both flat picked their solos.

That’s cool. 

Don’t at me, bro. I said it with a question mark. 

So figure every fan she picked up during the hugeness of Red and 1989 were teenagers. That was 8-10 years ago. Are current 15 year olds fucking with Cardigan? Maybe. I don’t know that it’s a sizable chunk of her fanbase. We need a statistician. 

I’m genuinely curious about what Musk’s end game is here.”

Maybe don’t comment if you don’t know what you’re talking about?

I think the issue that Swift’s fans don’t want to recognize is that ya girl Tay is corporate. She’s never going to take the monetary hit to actually avoid this kind of exploitation of her fans’ money.

Every Swifty I know is over 30. 

They really should have cast an iconic person of color like Danny Devito or Stanley Tucci. 

Instead of that, they should have a montage of various CNN reporters drinking 5-7 shots and trying to give word for word readings of Andy Cohen’s de Blasio rant. Or let Kathy Griffin back and just let her say anything about Elon Musk for ten minutes. 

I somehow had no idea of Mariska Hargitay’s lineage. That’s interesting. 

I agree. Nepotism isn’t that big of a deal. All having famous/successful parents does is remove the hardest barrier to getting work in Hollywood and allows young actors and filmmakers to amass a couple of high profile credits which just happens to be the biggest predictor of getting future work. They still have to do

Probably equal odds that the cop just wanted to hurt a cyclist.

Maybe I should give it another chance. 

Sheridan did write the Sicario sequel. 

The show where the hero solves all of his problems by quick-drawing a criminal?

I have one younger brother who was obsessed with that movie as a kid (like watch it year round obsessed, not just at Christmas) and one for whom it was the first time he consciously thought, “Some movies are bad.” I’m far more on the side of the latter. Even with Phil Hartman working his ass off to find laughs and Jim

Everything I saw was like, “This is a bubble! This is a bubble! Use your damn heads, this is a bubble!”