
The actor playing Lincoln is Australian, and I think his attempt at an American accent is so dreadfully neutral that it becomes a droning bore. And that's BEFORE you factor in his acting … um … "ability".

To you and, obviously by extension, the rest of the universe, since you are so important that everybody else can't help but think like you you. Downvoted for assuming everybody shares your opinions on things n' stuff.

And you've been downvoted for lack of humor, nerd-boy.

CP3O? CP3O?! Nobody's noticed the emoji hashtag is misspelled as #CP3O!?! QUIBBLE QUIBBLE QUIBBLE!! I refuse to see the movie now! QUIBBLE!

Ahhh … and my shameful lack of constant tv watching is laid bare for all the televiserati to mock!

I'm thinkin' 'Teenage Wasteland'.

He got the meaning and then hinted to her while flailing the box around "you might as well pack my bags for me" and then he was surprised to find the sandwich in his bag but not surprised to find the box.

You'd criticize that, too

A Superman who doesn't shamelessly wear his underwear on the OUTSIDE?!

On the good: He looks physically fucked up enough to warrant his mentally fucked up "how could anyone ever love a thing like me" attitude.

Prove your claim please.

Proof of your claim please.

I'm still waiting for the idiot to learn to count to 12 properly. #WarDoctorMyAss

I know who Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole were, and those are from long before I was born.

This is my point. I'm asking for solid evidence and you're showing that there really is none. But absent solid evidence you're still getting worked up, as if there WAS solid evidence, as if there WAS a fair trial already, and as if Cosby WAS convicted and his guilt was a forgone conclusion. Whatever the hell a witch

Try what again? Toying with the villagers?

If you've seen Bill Cosby rape thirty women,why haven't you called the police? Have you called the police? Did you present them with the evidence you have that Bill Cosby is a rapist? How did they respond?

Not true; he's denied them, through his attorney, as is his right (and yours and mine, etc.).

Meh. Anyone can say anything. Someone can drag a fifty dollar bill through a trailer park and have someone accuse you of rape before lunchtime.

Look, I'm not one to ruin a perfectly good angry mob (not when I can sit back and laugh at it), and I know this comment will be buried next to Cosby's reputation, but I have to ask just to throw a wrench in there for shits and giggles: