
I want my flying Delorean.

Where does the "dirt" go?

Why haven't people mentioned River Song's ability to pilot the TARDIS well? Especially since she doesn't forget to release the emergency brake...

@rufustfyrfly: where does he keep the darts? err, nevermind I don't want to know.

Transparent cases are only cool if there are moving parts inside. Like this: []

@Navin R Johnson: How many people do you think would feel comfortable buying stock from a vending machine? I know if I had a choice I would always deal with a broker. Sometimes a face to face transaction is worth the added fee just in case there are problems.

@Navin R Johnson: I absolutely agree with you, but buying a pound of gold through a vending machine instead of from a reputable broker is a bit ridiculous. Don't you think?

@snark_attack: yeah but they see the other side of it....

This is just for the novelty, right? I mean, it just doesn't make true fiscal sense. Any profit that you might make from speculation is going to be minisule due to the limits of what you can actually carry and the fees involved with buying and selling such small amounts. Additionally, who do they expect you to sell

They ought to fine this guy for every healthcare bill produced from his tainted eggs to start and then everyone who got sick should sue him for pain and suffering. 2000 people should put a sizable dent in his fortune, I think.

@Helvetica: Look up Jack Whyte's Camulod Chronicles. It is excellent.

@pjcard: pjcard: registering 0g in between periods of 1 g would equate to "freefall" or a period in which you are not experiencing acceleration on any of the 3 axis of motion....just a thought, I do not know if they have included a 3 axis accelerometer but that is how I would do it.

@pjcard: registering 0g in between periods of 1 g would equate to "freefall" or a period in which you are not experiencing acceleration on any of the 3 axis of motion....just a thought, I do not know if they have included a 3 axis accelerometer but that is how I would do it.

Are you kidding me?

@MaxellDVD1: The Code Adam program was created by Walmart. It was named after Adam Walsh son of the host of Americas Most Wanted who dissappeared and was later found murdered.

This doesn't take into account that we are becoming more efficient in the way the US uses energy. Perhaps if this was compared to the amount of work being done by the energy we use it would make more sense.

Anyone know the top speed for that thing?

During the last Ice Storm, we lost power in NH for 24 hours, some people went several days.

"I'm glad they decided to make combat real time, because nothing screams "I'm afraid of evolving" like turn-based fights."