
@techaz: For me P90 was not the one. Insanity! gave me better abs than I have ever had. (which to be fair was not difficult to do as I had nothing but chubbiness prior)

@Siepher: I enjoy how you specified Denmark, Europe. As opposed to the Denmark, South America; or Denmark, Antartica.

@Raziel66: The jockeying of position between you two for master of the human fund makes me angry. Time for the Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength.

Wow. I honestly had no idea this was a "real" hobby. I had assumed for the past few years that it was simply another way for toy makers to suck small sums of money from my pocket via my son. That was really pretty amazing though. I used to skateboard, now I'd die if I tried, maybe I'll go look for one of my son's tech

Sweet Jesus, Jesus, this work is scary as hell.

@tomsomething: I have heard that "That's My Sandwich" is brilliant!

This sounds like an awesome adventure. Just take this guy

I have downloaded and uninstalled it three times thinking I was doing something wrong. Turns out Angry Birds apparently won't run on HTC Incredible with froyo yet. bummer...

Spratt's illustrations are increasingly amazing. Lord.

I think I might go with "I'm with stupid", should I do something this, you know, stupid.

@Segador: OMG I love this picture!

@D.LYTE: Here here! As one who is only tech knowledgable enough to screw things up royally I refuse to root the leaked 2.2 that is out there already. Please give your Incredible owners some love on the froyo!!! I want this, it puts the FUN in FUNctionality.

@MrEvil: I was thinking the same thing. It seems to make this time-frame more "real" which is oddly surreal. Like robotkiller said above, the B&W pics are great but these change your perception of that time.

The app store approval process is ridiculous.

@franco1975 [Troll ]: This would be a PERFECT stall for ex-Senator Larry "wide stance" Craig!