
Halliburton and Northup Gruman on this list creeps me out for some reason.

@Killjoy: Thank you for the QR Code!

@Platypus Man: This is my first smartphone. I have always watched them from afar with jealous eyes, talking my more non tech oriented affluent friends into buying the gadgets so I could goof off with them. I had also been holding out for the last year and half awaiting arrival of iPhone on Verizon. The Incredible was

@Platypus Man: Get one they are incredible! (ugg, I hate myself for that one).

@Platypus Man: Get one! It is incredible! (god I am embarrassed for myself)

@Juaco: One of the most disturbing pics I have seen in a while.... shudder

You would end up with one very clean sofa cushion if this thing acts like my dog and that is all. Lazy vacuum, get off the sofa!

@Sprzout: This is my general sentiment as well. I would be a fool to jump to AT&T simply for the iPhone (however drool worthy it is). I will be sticking with Big Red and picking up an Incredible (should they ever get their backorder issue fixed) and wait for the iPhone in... whenever.

@Efren Beltran Jr.: That is good to know. I have been using Nike+ for over two years and have had good luck with it. I broke down and bought a Polar heartrate monitor on the other hand and it works for crap. Soon after you begin to sweat you lose signal. This may be the Wearlink band maybe the watch (maybe user