Non Sleeping Giant

Autonomous Robotaxis- this is how much the US hates the idea of just improving public transit. Like, seriously, you could take a fraction of the amount of cash it will take to develop a functional autonomous taxi and just invest in improved public transit everywhere. Oh look, we’ve made buses and trains and trams and

Penny Arcade Nailed it today.

Last week’s news: Cybertruck owner posts video of his sloppily built truck’s accelerator pedal falling off and getting jammed under the dashboard.

Plenty of people, stop being a dick and look outside once in a while.

As I have gotten older, I have learned to not let things bother me if I am going to never think about them again in 20 minutes. More people need to go back to not worrying about other peoples business.

Why do you "loath people who do this"?  I am legitimately curious and a little confused

Don’t be a priuck.

Perfect. Good riddance.

My favorite story about these guys: The FL attorney that pushed FL to repeal its helmet law died in a motorcycle crash. And it wasn’t even someone else’s fault; he lost control of the bike while slowing down.

I’m at a point where I don’t think we should be fighting to keep idiots alive any more.

And a chef is also free to call any meal he makes a burger, but does that mean the client is unreasonable because they ordered a burger and the chef gave them a plate of pasta?

I was always upset that Dick Grayson never showed up in so many of the movies as either Robin or Nightwing, but then I realized if he never showed up they could never fuck him up....then The Titans show came along and proved my point. Better not to see him or them than see crap like that.

It’s like right-wing Star Trek fans. Some people just have zero media literacy.

Will never get racist, homophobic, and/or sexist X-Men “fans.” Missing the point idiots. 

What a miserable exhausting life these people live.

TERFs, ultimately, only have one rule: what I say goes. They do not give one solitary shit if their ideology is logically inconsistent. So if they have to think themselves into knots to justify their hatred of the Other, they’ll do it with a smile on their face and conviction in their hearts, so don’t get caught

That would require them to acknowledge that intersex people exist and they can’t do that within the mental framework they’ve created.

I mean, if a character has the ability to instantaneously change their body at will, I feel like it would be stranger for them NOT to be non-binary.

Even by TERFs own rules, they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

“Your gender is determined by your biology! Sex and gender are the same!”

“My biology says that I can change

Honestly, right now, no one really knows how this will be enforced. For now, it might be safer to cancel that Miami trip

Ah, but now you’re running into the “determined by innate and immutable biological and genetic characteristics” definition from the letter.