Non Sleeping Giant

we wouldn’t be surprised if demand starts to fall off once the early adopters have all gotten theirs.

It is probably not a coincidence that the legal fights between Disney and Florida faded away and got resolved very soon after deSantis gave up on his Presidential run and no longer had to appear to be Trumpier than Trump.  He’s just another Republican that doesn’t stand for anything and everything he does is just to

Still not going to Florida.

The issue is, 8 people were removed from the flight for smelling bad and 8 of the 8 were african american. The odds seem low that 8 passengers who just happened to be african american also just happened to be the only people who had an offensive smell on this flight.

That stinks.

Just because you think women are stupid doesn’t mean you have to project it on everyone else.

What a really weird comment. Yes, we do look for world building and character exposition in Bugs Bunny, which is why Looney Tunes are in fact considered classics, because they were well told stories, thoughtfully produced, etc.

I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a Model X door do it’s thing in person, but I bet that was awesome.

He’s already a cybertuck owner, is there something worse he could turn into?

Put down the truck too, it has a taste for human flesh.

That’s a nasty truck bite. Only one option now - he must be hunted and put down before he turns.

the nation that nearly had to be cancelled because of half of Janet Jackson’s left nipple must be protected from outright filth like Bluey! What if it distracted children from shooting their teachers?  Won’t someone think of the children??

The fact that it’s currently the most popular post on the site would beg to differ.

His last year as a police captain, he cleared $214k, $40k of which was OT.

How did this dumbass even become a Deputy Commissioner? These morons who work in public capacity and earning hundreds of thousands of dollars should be publicly called out for stupid shit like this. Not in twitter comments, but on actual live television. Next time he’s on air, journalists need to ask him to explain

Eric Adams is such a fucking putz. 

To the NYPD and Mayor Adams:

Nothing, I mean NOTHING is as bad as that Vinegar sauce.

Nobody’s ever going to be what Mister Rogers was.

I absolutely hate the fact that this situation is a reality.