Non Sleeping Giant

So what you’re saying is that MS’ IP doesn’t have the same cultural cache as IPs that were established long before the Xbox even existed..? Huh, whodathunk? Obviously MS’s characters can’t compete with Nintendo’s in terms of name recognition. Mario is the most famous videogame character of all time and has been around

Well, to be fair, Putler isn’t much of a Commie, either. Commies at least pretended to care about the commonfolk. That bald sack of rat droppings doesn’t even bother with that.

The Repub Party...formerly all gung-ho for the military (not anymore), completely anti-Commie (not these Putin ass-kissers), and for less government on people’s backs (not these big gov anti-women’s-free-choice Donald-nazis) and now they’re the exact opposite.

This is the best ever comment I’ve seen about Elon!

Very well said!

Elon started off as this generation’s Henry Ford, and unfortunately continued to become this generation’s Henry Ford.

Yeah I guess people just form their opinions randomly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


It’s a real mystery.

same stupid tired argument that gets used in gun debates all the time

Do you stop watching shows when someone has died or has cancer?

More teens get breast implants than trans top surgery by a significant margin, but I’m sure Dax and the rest of his ilk aren’t concerned about that fact.

The method of using incredibly insignificant stories of trans athletes as a cudgel to squash all trans rights is identical to the way bigots use random examples of “unfairness” to try and stop all affirmative action programs.

Exactly this.

And how many times do they have to be told that nobody transitions in order to win at sports?

“Some people are very uncomfortable about teenagers transitioning…”

Dax could quite simply duck out of a conversation he’s out of his depth in and all these assholes who magically developed major concerns about women’s sports overnight could maybe make an attempt at being less transparent about the fact that they’ve found a clever way to disguise their sense of ick about trans folks. 

The concern from the dealerships seems legit, but also, they’re a business - they have time to plan for what may very well be extended delays on repayment from the government.  If they plan for 90 day delays in payment, but get repaid in an average of 10-12 then they should be fine.

This smells like one of those “it happened to one lady in a random PA town so that local police department is warning everyone nationwide...” type of things, like the whole “gangs flash their brights at people and commit violence as part of gang initiation” thing that was going around the internet for a long time.
