Non Sleeping Giant

Then that parent has every right to come and beat her ass for hitting her child, are you serious, I bet if that was a white child she wouldn’t of done a damn thing, it was purely about race, this is N.C after all!

For those wondering, according to local coverage the two children did NOT live in the complex.  That doesn’t excuse a 62-year old so called “adult” taking a bottle upside his head ... just context that is obviously missing from the story.

13 year old’s can’t have consensual sex. I don’t know what that nurse was thinking?

This is Mississippi, they probably cut funding for those services a long time ago.  

Please tell me they got this child to therapy and adoption services, and that she won’t be burdened with raising a baby. 

Yeah Cocaine Bear definitely suffered from the Sharknado “we’re in on the joke” disease. They had a great concept but didn’t take it seriously enough to be actually funny.

There are service dogs for that, and NO ONE is against a service animal being anywhere (no one with a heart, mind, soul or conscience anyway). 

The context of the sharing matters. Are you sharing the material to celebrate racist violence, or are you sharing the material to bring an injustice to light? But please, continue to deliberately take the glibbest possible interpretation in order to make a preconceived point.

lmao holy shit youre a fucking crazy person

That’s more of a stretch than a Pilates class, Benny.

At least Cocaine Bear’s trailer looked great! This one doesn’t even look interesting except that the subject is a sloth. Although not a very good looking sloth.

Can we also agree to leave non service  dogs at home when shopping for food?  The last thing I want is to have my ankles or produce licked by a dog when trying to get my groceries for the week.  

But Cocaine Bear was bad. It was bad, right? We almost turned it off several times but kept thinking “is it us?”

1. Don’t

1 and only rule of taking your dog to a restaurant:

Cocaine Bear was a let down, stop copying it.

This gets made , and my script spiritual sequel to Cocaine Bear ‘Crackadiles’ goes unproduced??...what a world!!’

Not for nothing, but couldn’t everyone just outrun the killer sloth?  

Ah Tucker and Dale, three fourths of a good movie.