Saying “the police fucked up bad and don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt because it sure looks like they are trying to cover up for their fuck up” .... has absolutely nothing to do with “replace the police with something else”.
Saying “the police fucked up bad and don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt because it sure looks like they are trying to cover up for their fuck up” .... has absolutely nothing to do with “replace the police with something else”.
There are lots of potentially viable options besides police as currently constructed. If you haven’t heard of them, you’ve intentionally not been listening for at least two years. Some jurisdictions have tried, with success, replacing calls for mental health crises with actual mental health professionals rather than…
Yeah because they are handing out mortgages to black people like hotcakes..
Yeah why would a comedian ever discuss a hot button social issue?
It is fucking WILD how quickly people turned on Chappelle, who is by any account, an objective legend in comedy. Because he told a handful of controversial jokes that were far less incendiary than the backlash would have you believe.
Anyone who isn’t finding value in the gamepass is bonkers-crazy-pants or has already spent their money on every game to come out each month. As someone on a tight budget, there is at least one game announced each month that pays for the whole subscription. I can understand un-subbing because you just don’t have the…
No mention in the article that Lee is up for Felony attempted murder too in an unrelated case from December? And it was supposedly one “transphobic” joke: about the gun knife weapon Lee had on him.
Being assholes is their job. That is why they all have gofundme and patreon accounts. People are paying them to be an asshole.
Is it really what’s in his pants that is Elon Musk’s biggest issue? Seems more like the big hole at the other end of his torso.
It’s delicious, scarce, and has always been an expensive luxury item, at least in the last century.
Yep, the mainstream Clinton/Obama neoliberal wing of the Democratic Party would be considered center-right in basically every other Western democracy. The Squad would be BARELY left of center if at all.
With the Republican party radicalizing further into antidemocracy, antebellum positions, I suppose an old-school hard-right establishment conservative like Liz could be described as centrist, but I don’t know that it enhances our understanding to frame it like that.
“The evidence from the emails shows he went there to clean graffiti and stuff and LARP as a conservative defender of property, which, BTW, he has a legal right to?”
He went looking for a fight and found one. That isn’t self defense, except in Wisconsin and Florida.
You forget the other concern, conservative whites are freaked the fuck out that they are no longer the dominate race and currently are at plurality status with minority coming soon. They want more white babies. They are probably so desperate they will consider Mexicans white (which they technically are) like they did…
I wonder if some of their base will turn when they start going after IVF. All those unsuccessful embryos and the ones that don't get implanted are "murdered".
Yeah but Knives Out sucked butt.
it’s not making anyone rich, they’re just getting higher and higher on their own farts and dunning-kruger.
I find it crazy that they are basically losing a billion dollars a month and its no big deal. There’s seriously something wrong with the modern world.
Nice ideas, but the root problem is never that training is too infrequent. When a 50-yr. old man has been racist for 50 years, you can’t un-racist him with an hour-long PowerPoint. The problem is the people themselves. You can only fix this by firing the officers, then by firing all the people who screened and hired…