Non Sleeping Giant

Denzel just gotta take an L on this one, huh?


  • $35 limit on the cost of insult

Batshit shamelessness? 

I knew it had to be something else.

For the love of white shooters, will you give it a rest? 

Why do squares always think people are trying to get them high?? Just like the Google Glass fiasco had goofy men thinking other men were buying expensive gadgets just to capture their junk on tape, ain’t nobody wasting good weed on a damn church potluck.

They aren’t being sincere. Boldface lying is just as good as a valid point to some of these folks.

Nandor the Relentless would never.

Not seasonally but I used to mix their tri-color tortellini with their roasted red pepper soup. So good!

Seriously, I want to know. I truly want to know what it’s like to have every resource America has to offer at the tip of your fingers and to still not want to know shit.”

Ah, yeah. This. I plagiarize all of this. No regrets.

Ah, to be a fly on the wall of that next job interview...

Seriously?? Monster mashing was RIGHT THERE.

LOL. That reply ain’t coming.

I got to see KRS drop a freestyle live about 20 years ago. He’s still a BEAST.

Nah. Fuck Kyrie and you weird fanboys of COVID.

C’mon, Hollywood. The help you need is always already there:

Nope. Denzel has far more acting experience AND acclaim. Or do you need a reminder?