Can white people stumble on the word “racial” already? It isn’t interchangeable with “racist” and will keep them from asking REALLY STUPID questions.
It’s OK to not hate Olivia Munn. I think this needs to be said.
Gasoline eats through plastic bags the way I eat through ass and... wait, what were we talking about?
Too eager, dude.
You already know the answer.
Trump has already demonstrated that you can do anything to the GOP voting block and STILL keep their vote all to “own the libs”. The death cults continues.
Man I wish she’d try this on a wrong one, like Rep. Ayanna Pressley.
Lawd, please let my beloved Crocs stay cheap and readily available #whatarethosedontcare
A lot of white folks really need to learn that the word “racial” exists so they stop using “racist” incorrectly all the time.
Are y’all serious?
1. Probably Costa Rica with Belize as a backup
I’m hoping I don’t have to just mentally check out. I’m exhausted.
I don’t think I can be in this country anymore.